EXP and Quests Not Updating

During the game, the experience counter and the quests are not updating. If you quit out of the game and log back in, the counters will be updated. Obviously, this is annoying.

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Same thing. Had to repeatedly log out and back in to get credit for Quests.
Please attend.

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I have the same problem. My daily and weekly quests don’t progress, except if I quit the game and restart it. I have to restart the game after each game, and the progression appears only after restarting the game, it’s quite annoying. Could Blizzard developpers solve this problem, please ?

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Same here, played two games and no update. Had to restart to get credit. No problem taking or adding my rank though

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Adding my 2 cents, same experience. Quest counts/completions don’t update in real time; I have to Quit the game and log back in to see progress or receive rewards.

Getting the same problem, when will they fix it?

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Hopefully tomorrow when they all come back to work Monday to figure out what needs fixing first.

iam so stress now. i created new account. it also dont get any exp from lv6 . i can lv up Although i’m out and back lots of times. i win or lose it not gain exp for me

They are working on it.

I have same problem. But i restart game and i dont have completed quest or something exp. Nothing.