I am admittedly upset about the loss I just had in arena but I looked over it multiple times and It’s clearly a bug. Opponent used 5/7 mana to play exarch then used 1 mana to play a spell then suddenly had 7 mana again even though there is literally nothing on the card saying it refreshes mana. Flooded the board with the 7 mana summon naga spell for free after.
I have a video recording I can submit if needed.
Your opponent used this card beforehand.

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You know what, you’re correct. I was so salty about the loss I kinda forgot about the other card I had never seen before he coined out 3 turns ago.
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How does one “look over it multiple times” and miss the obvious explanation?
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Whiskey, lack of sleep, and a focus on the immediate 2 turns without thinking about the one card I had never seen used before a turn beforehand. Combined with a lack of permissions to delete this message when I realized I was stupid.
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He said that he was upset after the game. Then it’s easy to overlook something like this.
That specific draenei synergy is not an enchantment.
If you miss the small line in the history bar that the Ingenious Artificer triggered, there’s nothing on the board that will tell you
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I assumed “look it over” included reviewing the whole game history, not just the current board state.
My bad.