You can make your point without being toxic dude. Try it.
Ah, you are right: the answer was in the first post.
If that’s the healthy nerf proposal I have nothing else to say
I first thought that the nerf won´t hit, too.
But after playing yesterday night i found way less shamans in ladder(still in gold right now) and there is much more diversity again. I think the meta got healthier again. Or maybe i am wrong and all the shamans just climbed faster than me, but it was a good feeling playing yesterday.
nothing to say except liking and replying to your own reply from your side account. try to make it less laughably obvious next time by waiting a few minutes before lol, now go back to lifelessly spamming evolve shaman on ladder imbecile
Ok, I got the message
Wait… only 15 minutes passed you must be my 3rd alt account
(wait, I shouldn’t have said that, now everyone knows the truth)
Jokes on me, I am playing ticketus lock in wild ladder/pure highlander paladin in casual wild. You (I) are wrong at the power of 3
If people are still struggling with Evolve Shaman after the nerf then the problem is you. From my persepctive, the deck is a lot slower because no more free Pirates, plus taunts are now a lot more effective because of the lower damage.
For me the matchup has now gone from a 50/50 to me consistently winning it. And to be fair, I saw some people trying to play the deck in the aftermath of the nerfs. But now the dust is settling, it seems people are now firmly moving away from this deck. So yes the nerf did its job.
Kobold does do something actually. Anyone who has a clue knows it too.
I think the change to Shaman has been an effective one. The indications are that the change has tamped down on Evo Shaman’s effectiveness while at the same time not tossing the deck in the dumpster. It is now possible for aggro decks to punish Evos more and for longer windows of time. It’s also possible for other deck types to get a bit more established and fight for board control more effectively before Evos explode out huge boards. Evo is still a good deck, but it is no longer a T0 deck. That’s how changes to the game should be done.
My jury is still out on the Edwin change. We’ll see.
you win by chance in wild because there are so many bad minions to evolve into than good ones, not in standard.
Kobold doesn’t really do anything most of the time if the opponent isn’t a skrub in gold.
In a perfect world in a plat game the opponent will equip and pass at 5 mana without somehow cheating the weapon out before you get to 5 mana and without flooding the board every turn.
Kobold steals a charge, gives you a random 6-drop, most likely let’s you kill a minion, and shuts off their hoard pillager. All for 5 mana.
Yuppers. Definitely nothing. LOL
as I said, in gold
you sound mad
According to HS Replay Meta (
), Evo Shaman is sitting near the bottom of Tier 2 at 51.21% winrate. What makes you say it wasn’t enough? Seems like it worked out perfectly. Now this will fluctuate because as people start to drop Sticky, Evo will likely creep back up a point or two.
Currently, HL Hunter (59%WR), Pure Pally (58%WR), and Face Hunter (57%WR) are the only Tier 1 decks. But there are over a dozen decks in the 52% to 56% range.
Happy (and surprised) to see Totem Shaman up at 55%. I was actually hoping for some more Totem support in the mini-set next week, but maybe it’s holding it’s own right now. Might have to give that deck a whirl this afternoon. There’s just something comical about beating down your opponent with totems.
Was this directed at me? If so, I don’t understand what you’re saying. If not, nevermind.
The biggest surprise from this nerf is seeing totem shaman go up in win rate. Amazing. I think the nerf was good.
i cant undestand that post at all
card effects dont depend on rank…
they would rather slit their wrists than admit dumping 3 players worth of minions on board every turn is unfun for the opponent and blatantly unfair
Everybody complaining about the nerfs doing nothing we’re completely wrong btw. After the nerfs the deck faded into middle tier, not having free 5 drops ruined the win rate like I said it would. You all look so stupid now. If you didn’t understand why the nerfs would do anything, you need to realize that one of the reasons these “OP” decks seem so oppressive is because you aren’t that good at the game. Get Gud
Love that you came back to post this!
Some people need longer to figure out what to say.