Error Starting Game with Death Knight

Ever since Patch 26.0 removed Golden Death Knight cards that were prematurely granted, I cannot join ranked ladder with Death Knight. I have a golden copy of Patchwerk that I swapped out for a normal copy, but it still errors out, and occasionally when I go to Deck Constructor, it will say that my Death Knight deck is missing a card (not always in the same session, but almost always when I close the client and reboot it). Yes, I’ve tried making the deck from scratch manually without a deck code, I still have the same issue.

I can’t believe they have not fixed this yet so ridiculous

Ridiculous I say. Ridiculous!

This bug must be addressed. I never even had these golden cards, or if I did, I never had them in my decks because I always use regular cards when I can. Hate looking at the golden cards. So now I keep trying to recreate my decks, I get error loading game, then I exit and restart, and it will say “31/40” cards or similar. Why isn’t this fixed?

Blizzard have announced that they are working on it.
In the mean time, I recommend that you use the workaround that Blizzard advised in the same post: delete the decks (after saving a screenshot) and then rebuild them, by manually adding the cards (not from a deck code!).