Same problem here on eu

Same Problem. Central EU.

Is there a fix coming in for this sometime soon? Cant access my account at all in the NA region. Really frustrating, would love to get a reply from the devs on this asap.


Same here, America. iOS, PC and Mac all behave the same

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I am in EU/UK and I am having this issue as well.

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game on a separate drive but to no avail. I believe that it is an account issue?

Same issue here on EU server.

Same problem here, EU

Same Problem on eu /Android

Same issue here on european server. Americas & Asia work, but pointless, because I’ve got no cards there. Desktop & android both affected.

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Affected. Europe. Thanks for solving. Android.

same with me. been trying since yesterday. europe works but americas does not

Seems like everyone’s main region is broken

Same issue North America

Affected as well. Thanks for the update and for looking into this! :slight_smile:

Same issue on EU, android and pc.

Same issue here, on iOS and mac

Also having this issue in NA on all platforms.

same here. sad panda

Same issue as well for Americas.