There is a really unhealthy mechanic or bug going on in Duels.
The Hero Elise Starseeker can combo a healing effect turning into damage with Tree of Life. While that should kill both heroes for some weird reason it doesn’t kill themself, only their opponent. I remember they used to have The Jailer and Bolf Ramshield in play to pull off this combo without killing themself. Now they just play Shadowtouched Kvaldir or Auchenai Phantasm plus Tree of Life AND THEY JUST WIN. That is an extrem frustrating and furious way to lose a game, because its so cheap to pull off and doesn’t require any kind of skill. Plus there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. PLEASE FIX THAT!
Tree of life, just as Reno, heals characters for an amount equals to their max health.
If you have 40 max health, you get healed for 40.
If you turn that into damage, you receive your max health as damage.
If you have 40 max health, you take 40 damage.
Now if your total of current health + armor exceeds your max health, you won’t die.
If you have 20 current health, 30 armor, 40 max health, you will take 40 damage and survive with 10 remaining as your total of health + armor was 50
Yeah, I guess it must have been because of the armor, I couldn’t remember. I was too busy trying not to explode out of frustration.
So I guess it’s not a bug, but it’s still an unbelievably LAME AND STUPID OTK COMBO!
Because if you play a class that can’t generate any armor you are just done. No counterplay.
Please Blizzard, remove Tree of Life from deckbuilding and bucket discovery option!
You really are absolutely clueless, aren’t you? Do you even play Duels?
Just smashed an easy 12 wins run with Elise on 7k heroic abusing this sh*t. Guess all my opponents were “sitting around doing nothing”. Bomb Warrior is the only thing that stood a chance, but even then, I was able to tie a game I couldnt win anymore with that stupid combo. Two times…
Here’s a suggestion: Study the game, before just talking trash.
This just happened to me. I do not believe this is intended way of working but every class without any armor will lose against this combo, no matter how much HP you got, no armor = you dead. This is a BUG
The only thing that could considered not necessarily a bug but an oversight is the way tree of life heals.
If you are 30/40 hp and you are healed to full health, you’re getting healed by 10. You should not be getting healed by 40 (which provides an unwritten overheal).
And if that heal were to be converted into damage, you should take 10 damages, as you were missing 10 hp and should have been healed for 10 hp.
If you were at 10/40 + 20 armor, the combo would still kill you
So this just happen to me 2 games in a row while i was at full health therefore i should not have received any heals/damage . but instead it auto kills even at full health! its a turn 8 turn 9 auto kill depending on duel treasures with nothing to stop it. in turn if they kill themselves in process they too should not get the win especially when i paid money for a heroic run.
made me really mad, i was winning the game and sitting at full hp and then i just lost cause the other guy had 1 armor
just very dumb that it works like that and not even clever use of mechanics, feels more like an exploit than intended. So if i am at 29/30 HP and then get healed for 1 hp and thus would receive 1 damage… and you are telling me that its intended while at full hp not to heal me for 0 hp but instead it does 30 overheal and kills me? How is this not a bug.
If its not a bug, the game is punishing you for not taking damage?
Tree of life by itself is not bugged.
The “Restore to full health” side is doing what it’s supposed to do, no matter how it does it.
Since the card does not explicitely indicates how it achieves it, there’s no explicit way of describing “Negatively restore to full health”. You can’t say something is not working as expected if it is not expectable, at least from our side.
What do you mean ? How are you punished more than if you took damage ?
Since armor is the only thing that prevents you from dying to this combo, not taking damage is rewarded by allowing to exceede your max health and survive.