Elemental of surprise doesn't proc as expected

My situation on the board was as follows (in order, from left to right): golden Gusty Trumpeter, golden Upbeat Duo, normal Gusty Trumpeter, Elemental of Surprise, and three random minions, who were not elementals. I didn’t have any minions in my hand. Upbeat Duo’s effect activated that turn, giving me two more Gusty Trumpeters. After my next turn started, instead of Gusty Trumpeter on board, Elemental of Surprise and Gusty Trumpeter that I got in hand tripling, three Gusty Trumpeters tripled. This is unintuitive, and probably unintended, as in a similar case, if Elemental of Surprise was another Gusty Trumpeter, the two from the board would have tripled with one in hand.