Elemental Mage - Standard - how to navigate certain match up


I need some help in a few match-up playing Elemental Mage.

I came back to the game a week ago, crafted the cheapest deck available and Elemental Mage it was.

I am now back at Diamond 7 and struggling in a few match-up, even though my overall win % is still pretty good.

vs Warriors

All is good when I start first at 5-1 but whenever I go second, I’m at a wonderful 1-3 and I can’t seem to be able to build any preassure.

vs Mage

I struggle deeply in the mage vs mage game. I haven’t played a lot, only 4 but I’m at 1-3…

vs Paladin

Same logic as Warrior. It seems to be fine when I go first, where I went 4-1, but when I go second I’m 1-3.

Overall, my win rate when going 1st is a lot better than when going 2nd.

19-7 when I go first
19-12 when I go second

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Yours and everyone else’s. Especially as a tempo deck. Don’t assume that there’s some weakness in your play just due to a first/second bias.


I think Ele mage is pretty mediocre right now.
Mage is #8 on HSR dailies.
Tempo is my favorite, but the deck struggles at higher ranks.
And it is minion tempo. I greatly prefer Spell based tempo.
You might be able to find a tutor though. There are some really good players here.
Knowing your opponent’s strategy would probably carry you to diamond 5, at least.

Here is the most popular deck on HSR, I think.
See how it matches up to yours, and good luck:)

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Because it’s just not a great deck. If you went Diamond 7 without much effort and you’re intelligent enough then you have probably reached its skill ceiling. It’s probably the easiest netdeck in the game to play and that’s a handicap because it can only go down from there.

Ah. I thought it would somewhat even out at some point. I dunno why, just figured the coin role was to try and make it 50-50.

Really ? HSMeta seems to rank it pretty high and I’m having a decent amount of success when I was away from the game for a whiiiile.

Exact same list haha

How come ? It seems very good on paper, at least. Granted, I don’t know half the cards of the other class lol

That’s fair enough, it is pretty straightforward to play so far.

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I mean, yeah, that’s why the coin exists but it’s not enough.

Some decks have a major advantage when going first, some do well going 2nd.

Ele Mage really, really wants to go 1st. It’s a major advantage.

I play a DK deck and my win rate going 1st is around 70% and my win rate when going 2nd is around 30%. It’s that much of a difference.

General rule is if you are a pressure deck, going 1st is best. If you are a counter attack deck, like a control deck, 2nd is sometimes better.

Or, in the case of spell decks or wishing well rogue decks, 2nd is very nice.

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If you are Aggro or Tempo you pretty much always want first to dictate the pace and board control. When those decks lose the board they lose the game. It’s very important.

Oh well. I guess that makes me feel better. Slowly but surely going up, at D5 now. Still early in the month. Major downside so far is I’m still getting surprised by 1 card out of 5 as I don’t know really them lol

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Decks like Wild Shadow Priest can still win without a board.

So does every response in this forum have to be prefaced with “I’m talking about Standard”? I kind of figured that line wouldn’t be blurred in a thread that clear has “standard” in the title.

Wild is just a degenerate format for those that want that type of play. You pull off your combo before the other degenerate pulls off theirs and win the game.

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You don’t have get upset.
There is no separate forum for
Wild, and I was only making conversation.
Apologies for failing to realize that discourse of that sort isn’t allowed.

I can’t prove it but there’s chance that handbuff paladin was BETTER going 2nd. That’s because it was a deck extremely reliant on keeping as many minions as possible in hand without dying for the first 3-4 turns. Sure if it always has 9 or 10 cards in hand it starts getting a bit unnecessary (and probably a handicap) but having the coin may give it the freedom to play around with options to increase the size of hand for a few rounds.

Sorry, but the amount of smug and ridiculous comments about a post not referencing Wild this week is a bit ridiculous. Wild players need to realize they are an insane minority and nobody really cares about the Wild format including the developers. There’s a reason for that and it should be very evident.

I apologize to you if i sounded harsh. It’s just skin crawling levels of annoying to hear about how wild matters when it really doesn’t.

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Apology accepted, but I don’t think I am insane.
Both formats are hopelessly broken, if you ask me.
The only difference is that I can play the style I like in Wild.

Elemental mage in Standard seems really MOR to me.
I think average players will have problems beyond diamond 10.

It’s just not a very good deck to play right now with so many DK’s in the meta. DK really does a number on Mage in general. I imagine the players MMR had a lot to do with getting to Diamond 7 with such a fragile deck.

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I agree. I don’t play the deck anymore. It just feels like an inadequate pally deck to me.

Stuck between D2 1 stars and D1 2 stars right now. Only upside is Elemental Mage completly smash Druid. Just need one lucky streak of facing only Druids lol

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The new zephyrs card is an elemental which should give elemental mage/shaman some nice flexibility.

you do realize Mal constantly switches between talking about wild and standard based on whatever supports his argument about mages’ viability right?