Eating the new BSM/Tsunami with Shaman

If you are tired of facing BSM Mage and seeing them highroll super fast, go ahead and run this list :


I’m 12-2 against it and both L were pretty much me playing very poorly and making dumb mistakes. Currently hovering between 2800 and 4200 Legend. I’m not saying it’s the perfect answer to it, but I’m finding a lot of success using this list and I figured I would let you guys try it.

You either kill them via Mudpool evolve via Cliff Dive, with Razzle or OTK with Weapon + one of your 2 spells that increase your hero attack.

Having Hagatha early is also incredible, as being able to play a 6-6 on top of Cliff Dive is really helpful.

I don’t remember who exactly said it, but whenever you can get a minion on board with 3+ HP - it’s amazing. Careful Cookie is also super good as the Mage doesn’t really have a target-specific removal. If you can hide it behind Taunts, you are golden.

Enjoy and eat those BSM babies

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So fight cancer with cancer no wonder this game feels like crap to face the top decks


Decided to join the party before the nerf. 6 games in a row I finished the opponent off on turn 6 with more Tsunamis/Volleys ready to rip the next 1-3 turns. Mage is in an absurd position right now.


Yup. This is what I’ve been saying. It’s the key to really bringing down BSM.

Doesn’t matter what the attack is, just get 1-2 4 health minions in boards and they soak up damage.

Once I played the deck to Legend it was more clear what the issue was so then I ran Reno Druid as a counter and it’s been easy sailing since.


I was playing Elemental Mage for 75 % of my games, but it’s just not doable vs BSM. Well, I guess it is, but I’m not good enough for it. I swapped to the dark side and it’s a loooot of fun to beat those dumbos.

If I can get Hagatha before turn 4 and Slime into Frosty Decor on T5, I’m usually 95% sure to be fine.

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