Easy fixes to all current OP cards

That seems reasonable enough. I highly doubt they go that route though. You’d have to change almost all of them to battlecries though, wouldn’t you? Since there will always be a combination where a high cost exists that can get cheated out.

I was thinking more along the lines during the creation process that the created version just has a single BC that gives all the effects chosen as one coming into play effect like the Band.

I don’t seriously expect them to do this but it seems like the best way to keep it’s power and stop the interactions that aren’t really intended. It also proofs the card for the future especially in Wild.

As I said, Unkilliax needs to have Taunt removed from it, that’s all.

An elusive minion, can’t be targetted, + it’s overloaded with keywords, but at least you could just ignore it and ship dmg face if taunt was removed.

You want your Unkilliax to die so you can summon more than 1? Well, make it work. You have 1 job, literally 1 job.

Doesn’t the taunt come from perfect module, not the elusive one? It’d be kinda wonky if they somehow disallow one specific pairing.

Furthermore, Boom can still res zilliax because of mech tag.

I think the bigger problem is how easy/consistent/fast warriors (and druids) can reach ziliax and their resses. IIRC there was a time when the copy module was more popular.

I believe this was because warriors back then needed the 12 immediate heal more. Maybe it’s because they didn’t have ramp. Maybe it’s because they don’t have as much draw (I’m thinking of that tutor spell that draws 3 different types… they can probably consistently pull zilliax with that, and then use the 5 mana spell to jank it out) Maybe it’s cuz people’s aggro decks were more refined. Maybe it’s a bit of everything.

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Everytime I read someone say this it tells me to dismiss their opinions entirely from that point onwards, sorry. Dumbest idea to ever be introduced in the minds of hs players. Might as well just say you want a game where combo decks don’t exist and say what you mean. Holy trinity dismissed guys, it’s controlstone forever!

Talking about paladin…
People really want the handbuff meta back that bad?

Because it is what gonna happen If paladin pass untouched.

Reno should just wipe the board

I think Viral Module could just give Reborn or just give Elusive and cost one less. There’s also making the res effects only summon distinct minions, but I think that limits the card too much in a lot of other contexts.

Lamplighter I think can just take a cost hit, it’s a super strong card, just having such a powerful reach tool in Mage/Shaman made those decks a lot better.

Spell Druid… I feel like they could maybe just change Seabreeze Chalice to 2 mana deal 3? I’ve seen this deck like once, but I think that’s a good solution? I dunno.

That’s great when facing hyper Aggro but it still makes all other board based decks pointless to play against it. It’s the creating 10+ Zilliax during the game that is making it the only real board based deck outside the hyper aggro decks.

Well, that’s the point, hyper aggro is supposed to keep such decks in check, and as it stands, I don’t see many such decks doing it, except sludgelock because of tons of dmg from hand to finish them off

Other board-based decks are supposed to lose against control anyway

I mean, someone pointed out to me it’s not gonna happen because the taunt is a part of another module, so I guess it doesn’t matter either way

EDIT: Am I the only one losing 70% of games against Pirate shaman? Is it broken or am I just countered? Honestly, it feels like the deck is just broken

These would be amazing changes

A lot.

The card is absurdly overtuned and is making pretty much any value match up unplayable.

Like hell, I get it, no one wants to play smart midrange/tempo decks like I do. I get it, fine.

But people LOVE their value match ups, and Zilliax just makes those completely pointless.

On top of being a great anti-aggro card, and just completely shutting down the opponent’s aggression immediately.

I wouldn’t mind a complete overhaul of the card, myself.

I feel like aggro abuses the current design and that high-value decks like taunt warrior and brann warrior abuses the current design.

Redo the entire thing imo. It shouldn’t cater to only aggro or value. Cater to Mid Range also.

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Unkiliax is a midrange tool.

The thing is that people only remember midrange when they try to refer to play every minion from hand and that era of hearthstone is over.

Reallity here about unkiliax is that the changes to balance the virus module broke the perfect module because of how the card is structured and there is nothing much to do other than put that taunt anywhere else out of that combination.

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It’s not. It’s a pure control tool.

Every archetype’s game plan is executed earlier than before now, mostly because of increased card draw.

Midrange decks in the current times end the game around turns 7-10.
Those decks include (but are not limited to) Gaslight giant Rogue, Painlock, Handbuff Paladin, Spell Mage, Tempo Druid (the version before the chalice + concierge), etc

I don’t think the problem is Unkilliax, at least not anymore. It used to be, but now? Not so much.

Which is exactly why they printed more cards which resurrect multiple copies of it for less mana than 1 original costs xD It’s ridiculous

I can’t believe they did this. They literally closed like one third to one half of playable game plans from the get go. Control can only be played by Druid and Warrior. Aggro only for naturally aggro classes with lots of support for finishing games fast. Midrange only for miracle classes like rogue and warlock. And last, but not least - combo decks again.

I think the meta is, although full of new decks, not changed enough compared to the last expansion’s meta. We need drastic changes.

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If you fight for board with minions that are near unkiliable then sorry.
You’re a midrange deck. You create a board trying to overhelm the opponent in a way he can’t answer.

And unkiliax literally trade with atleast 4 minions if you let it be.

A control deck would be more focused on just getting you exausted and while he can do this it just isn’t the main plan due to no pratical answer to the card existing.

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Then unklilax isn’t midrange tool by your definition. First, unkilliax is a singular minion, not minions. You only can get more if you let it die so that you can res them.

Letting the first unkilliax die then ressing it a dozen times is more like a res priest ressing obsidian statues, or iterations of taunt druid that involved greedy taunts and using stuff like hadronox. Those decks are usually control level slow not midrange. There are times when res decks can cheat something out early and start their res chains rather fast, but that’s mana cheat/jank not midrange.

Again, that rules unkilliax out as midrange. Unkilliax doesn’t overwhelm the opponent. Even if you jank it out on 5 with that warrior spell, it’s just a yeti in attack power. And being the first one it’s usually alone. Actual midrange decks can put out a lot more pressure than that, and don’t get started on aggro decks.

Unkilliax makes it so you can’t overwhelm him, not the other way around.

…which is what unkilliax does. It tries to (and is usually successful) at exhausting you spending way too much time/resources dealing with it than killing their face.

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So I would like to see them work through a number of changes to it as well.

I really like the card and think the idea is amazing, but I don’t like the execution.

It shouldn’t do basically everything. You should be forced to choose some hard choices on it instead of being able to make the ideal combinations for every circumstance.

Like, you can discount it for the minions on the board, but you can’t combine that with the minion buff.

You can duplicate it, but you can’t reborn that. You can elusive, but not with taunts. That sort of stuff.

I don’t think that means what you think it means. You’re saying flood paladin is control now?

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It may not look like a mid range deck but the way it plays out against anything on the board that isn’t hyper aggro would suggest that it is in fact a mid range deck and the best that exists currently. There is literally no other board based deck that can beat a Zilliax Warrior deck.

Even hyper Aggro can be beaten by this with a cheated Zilliax that is hard to trade off with small minions without massively healing the opponent back up.

If there was a way to make it so the first zilliax played was the only one that you had to deal with and the rest that resurrected didn’t have all the effects it wouldn’t be that big an issue. Too bad there’s nothing they can do about that…oh wait they could be they choose NOT TO because this is what they wanted in the first place.

Res priest and old school Hadronox were in fact mid range decks. They started playing their game in the MIDDLE of the match. The fact that on later turns they just brought back everything they played mid game multiple times doesn’t mean it was a control deck. This is exactly how Zilliax warrior plays out. If you want to see a control version of the zilliax deck that’s the Brann version that stalls the game out with the Zilliax combo in order to play late game tools that end the game.

That’s not true. My infinite Reska DK deck with plague support has never lost to it. It’s super easy to beat with Reska. They can play a thousand zilliax and you won’t lose.

And my deck is board based. You never have to play a plague to beat that warrior deck.

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