Duplicate protection not working

Go to your collection manager, then click the Crafting button. Set the expansion selector to Outland. In the search bar, type “missing rarity:common”. You will now see all Common Outland cards you have one or none of.
Take a screenshot of that and add it to your post. Getting 4 copies of Netherwind Portal is only a bug if there is any other common card in the Outland set that you have not yet found 2 of.

Good info! I mistakenly thought duplicate protection was bugged for myself as well but soon realized I actually had just already obtained all the common cards. I guess it surprised me how efficiently duplicate protection can get you a whole set! Onward to the rares!

So I’ve just opened a descent of dragons pack that I got from a quest earlier today, and it gave me a third copy of a rare card even thought I still had plenty of rare cards not found https://imgur.com/PfV2XHg in this specific screenshot you can see I have third albatros, but I don’t have Depth Charge. My assumption is, because I actually did have two copies of a Depth Charge a day or a two ago, but I disenchanted them, for some reason, after I disenchanted them it didn’t count them again as if I don’t have them, but that just a guess.

The rules of duplicate protection say that if you have owned a card, at any time, it counts as one you have. The thing which I found confusing in the announcement is what happens if you end up missing only the cards which were disenchanted? I guess we know now that you just get random cards, which will likely cause triplicates.


Relevant section:

Crafting a card counts towards acquiring it, and any cards you acquire and later disenchant (whether golden or non-golden) count as well. This means that if you get a card that you don’t want, you can disenchant it and you will not receive it again until you have all cards of that rarity from that set.

Is that second sentence saying that once you own all other Rares, you will automatically get the ones you disenchanted, or is it saying that since you then get random cards, they could very well be the ones you disenchanted? I think your report is worth it for developers to have a look at and make sure this is working as they intended.

I can imagine that in the next round of nerfs, if they nerf a couple of Rares, I disenchant them, open new packs, automatically getting those cards when I open rares, then disenchanting them right away, that may be a bit abusive, so that would be one reason NOT to enforce triplicate protection when a card was disenchanted.

Your assumption is correct.
As Rhasimir also explains, the new triplicate protection is explicitly documented as guaranteeing that you won’t get back cards you disenchanted until you have (or have had) at least two of every other card of the same set and rarity.

@Rhasimir: I have read the announcement as “We first give you two of each, regardless of whether you keep or disenchant them. And after that, we’ll just give you random stuff, including but not guaranteed cards you dusted earlier.”
Otherwise, as you say, there’d be too much room for abuse.

I got duplicates by opening packs of the new expansion and I didn’t disenchant any before (opened 30 packs and got 4 of some cards)

Horloge: There are 52 common cards in Ashes of Outland. Most pack contain 4 common cards, some 3; only very few have 2 or less.
So with 30 packs, you probably found over 110 common cards. The first 104 were 2 of each of the common cards. And the rest were, of course, triplicates.

Hey guys,

I had the same problems. Buyed the 90pack package of the new expansion and had quite often 9x (and 8x, 7x and so on) the same card. I buyed the packs because there should not be duplicates as you promissed: “https://eu.battle.net/support/en/article/000116884
For example, if you have two Knife Jugglers (rare card from the Classic set) you will not receive another Knife Juggler until you’ve owned two of every other Rare card from the Classic set.

But I do not have all cards from that set in the same rarity, but a lot of duplicates
I will not enchant the cards, so it is possible for a technician to see it on my account “Mullemuh#2886” that something went wrong. Hope for a quick solution.


Please make two screenshots.
One that shows your collection on a page where you can see (some of) the duplicates.
And one in crafting mode that shows (at least one) card of the same set and same rarity that you have none or only one of.

See the sticky at the top of the topic list for how you can share those screenshots.

@BigHugger: Thank you for your quick reply.
You are right, when I filter to the same set there is nothing to craft in rarity “common” and “rare”, where I have up to 9 duplicates of one card - I just misses cards in “epic” and “legendary”

When I understand you right, then it is still possible to have many duplicates? My understanding to the statement above: For example, if you have two Knife Jugglers (rare card from the Classic set) you will not receive another Knife Juggler until you’ve owned two of every other Rare card from the Classic set. was, that it is impossible to have more then a double of a card after the patch of 27.03.2020 (what means, when I cannot get that cards, the pack will be filled with other rarities) But when I understand you right, then I can still have duplicates, because the rarity will be not changed in the fact I have all cards of one.
That is really bad :frowning:

But I thank you for having the better understanding.
Best regards

@Mullemuh: Yes, your new understanding is correct. And your original interpretation wasn’t.
I think (given how many people are posting about this) that the communication was unclear. For the record, the text was actually and factually correct, but not clear enough for casual readers. And with the four walls of text that were released at the same time, most readers will not have studied every word.

(Original text, with emphasis added by me for clarity: For example, if you have two Knife Jugglers (rare card from the Classic set) you will not receive another Knife Juggler until you’ve owned two of every other Rare card from the Classic set)

So, is this a bug or misunderstanding? I just opened roughly 50 packs of Ashes and received many triplicate. There gotta be something I’m missing or not understanding because based on my math you should be able to open 49 packs of cards without getting a single triplicate. My math could be wrong though.

135 new cards x 2 since you can have 2 of each card excluding legendaries = 270

270 - 25 legendaries since you can only have 1 of each = 245 grand total

245 / 5 since there are 5 cards in a pack = 49 packs

So, in theory I should be able to acquire all the cards by just opening 49 packs without getting a single triplicate. Can someone please clarify this new pack system I’m lost.

It’s a misunderstanding, this does not change the overall distribution of rarities in card packs. People are assuming packs can give 5 epics/legendary in one pack.

Do you have all the commons for that set? If so, you will get duplicates because card packs still have to give out commons along with the other rarities.

After the DH nerfs, I dusted my copies of Skull of Gul’dan and Imprisoned Antaen. Before that, I had double copies of all the rares in the Outland set. I just opened another Outland pack, and received a Scrap Shot rather than one of the rares I had just dusted.


As was to be expected.
When Blizzard announced the new triplicate protection, they explicitly said that you can now dust cards you don’t want and the game will still remember you had them and not give them again. Until you have or had two copies of each card of the same rarity and same set.

So scenario 1: You dust Skull and there are other rares that you don’t have or had: the game will not give you Skull; for rares it will only give cards you didn’t find yet.
And scenario 2: You already had all rare cards of Ashes of Outland and then dusted Skull. The game knows you have or had two of each of the rare cards, so now you get random rare cards.

Ah, I missed that piece of info, thanks.

The system is totally NOT working, this last month I started buying packs from Ungoro, have contacted the team various times with pictures, and I’ve gotten 4 packs with duplicates I already had in my collection in them (in pairs even - 6 ultrasaurs only this month)…totally bugged, but they are always replying that there’s no problem (Bonkers!!!).

They are not going to check it, or fix it…or give you anything back. I’ve been playing for 3 years now, and it’s the first time I’m writing here because I feel totally helpless…and angry about it.

P.D. In Case I didn’t explain it clearly I got “2 of the same card” in a pack, and cards I already had in my collection.

I’m sorry to hear that, Lonewolf!

Can you please go to your collection, set the expansion selector to the Un’Goro set, then type “missing rarity:common” in the searchbar and make a screenshot of the result? (If there are multiple pages, please screenshot them all). Then refer to the sticky post in this forum for how you can share those screenshots with the forum.


With that exact command it says “no results” in every expansion I’ve tested. Plus I’ve sent screenshots with the day and the pack with duplicates to the service team.

Congratulations! That means that you already possess two copies of each common card in the expansion.

Duplicate protection does not affect rarity. You don’t start getting packs with epics and legendaries only once you have all common and rare cards. You also won’t get cards from other expansions.
So if you own all Un’Goro commons, and a pack you open is rolled to have e.g. three common cards, they are necessarily extra copies.

Which means that Support was correct. There was no problem. The system could not give you common cards you still need, because there are no common cards you still need.

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