Duos Keeps Getting Worse: The Saga: Part 3

I have no idea what is going on recently. 3 games in a row we were winning, and my ally just leaves. Is this some conspiracy (rigged games by players queing up with friends/themselves on different accounts)? Are they dropping? I don’t understand what is going on, but this garbage needs to be addressed somehow. Still, HS team ignores us. This is inexcusable. It has been going on since the start, and they have done nothing to improve it. Anyone who thinks they want a good game is out of their mind.

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Certainly unfortunate but address it how?

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Be able to report your ally is a start. If they refuse to monitor their own reports, then we could send in replays. It’s not hard. Other multiplayer games do it all the time. I assume they just refuse to spend the money on it, since this wasn’t built as a team game on model. They are using the Duos gimmick as a way to draw in customers. It’s not something they actually care about.

I think it could go a long way. I regularly have players leave or sell off their board because I’m not making the play they want me to be making . I’d like to be able to report these players…

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It’s not just that. Sometimes they just leave at the start because they didn’t get the hero they wanted. It’s so dumb. But then I think, “Why am I even playing this?” There is literally no reward, so they are never going to care.

In that instance you can concede along with them and they will lose rank but you won’t .
I’ve come across some crafty players though , that don’t concede, they just sell off the board and play one minion per turn, as to force you to lose rank .

I wouldn’t call it “crafty.” But it is also a problem. However, leaving when you could win costs you points in such a volatile format. Like, we could get second place, but I get nothing, even if they leave. But then I get a game where I lose. I get a game where my ally stays and forces me to lose points. Get it? It doesn’t matter. All these scenarios contribute it to being so difficult to climb. They don’t just happen in a vacuum. When you que up, you run the risk of all them happening. So, when you solo que in duo, what is your odds of winning? So minuscule.

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You’re not wrong . One or more of these types of things happens at least two times to me per day .

I had a partner with a truly dizzying strategy, they were Thorim and I was ETC, They had a really good build of quillboars going, i mean they were already in the upper 70s across his board except for 2 spots… he would not replace or buff the 1/1 deathrattle quillboars that give a gem to both partners… but eventually I got a random buddy of someone, idk whose, but it was a battlecry, give a minion of 3 different tiers. he signaled for it to be portaled over and I obliged, He then began to sell off his big quillboars to replace them with this buddy i sent, rylak, and brann. His hand was full of garbage minions every round, and his board was getting weaker and weaker as he progressively swapped out his only good pieces for more random garbage from that battlecry proc each time rylak died. It was the biggest wtf Id seen yet. by the end his board had all single digit stat minions like it was still turn 6 or something when it was turn 13… I just couldnt carry us any further with my mechs.

Another annoying “strat” a rando partner of mine had was to play as the troll that copies the left card in hand power. He would clone the elemental that buffs elementals in tavern after a tavern spell was cast… he had his whole board made up of that singular minion… until eventually he sold off his golden buddy that let him clone every turn… but his comp was anywhere from like 9/9 version of the minion up to a 40/40ish stat version… and he had no method of generating any tavern spells from his board either… I sent him the elemental that does that on getting damaged, and he just sat on it in his hand the rest of the game. worst part was his in tavern elementals had only gotten to maybe be at their highest around the 35-40/35-40 range despite having a gold mine of making them much much bigger if he just played any spells ever…

Yeah, I feel like some people are googling strategies but not quite reading/watching to the end.

But why? Clearly your partners don’t want to play with you, and that’s not a reason to be sanctioned.

Have you considered making some friends to play with? Maybe just sticking to solo? I find it odd that your first reaction to people telling you they don’t like how you play (which is what they are doing by leaving) is to want them to get in trouble for not liking you.

If it happens that frequently, have you considered maybe you’re doing something wrong?

All that aside, did anyone actually think Duos would work any way other than people quitting in baby rage? Seems like it was doomed from the start.

Some times i get disconected and cant come back, seems like a case of bad luck, move on

Duos has too many issues. Some hero pairings are impossible to play against and you just bleed out. All the comeback mechanics are gated at tavern tier 5 which is impossible to rush since they increased the gold requirement, another big mistake in this mode.

There is just no sense of agency when the games are determined by hero choice and early game builds. Whoever finds their engine first wins.

So sometimes when I see the game is impossible to win I quit.

I play duos solo just to witness people who have no business playing cooperative effort games of any kind

You’re assuming why they left. You really live under a bridge. If your family knew the real you, you’d be disowned, but you get to act this way on the internet. When you’re gone, the world will be better for it. Keep reporting like a baby.

Once is a coincidence, more than that is a pattern. The common in the pattern isn’t the opponents… seems like a good thing to investigate.

The rest of your post is against CoC, so I won’t bother with it.

I’m at an MMR bracket where I can infinitely concede to avoid MMR loss and if I see someone pick a blatantly dogwater hero, or be slower than a snail at making decisions, I will just concede on the spot at this point. You know they’re just phone players who are wasting both of our times

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I actually switched to my phone to hit 7k…I find the tunnel vision makes me think better.