Duo Quilboars so OP, why weren't they hit?

I mean shoot. The only thing they don’t have for buffs is Start of Combat and DR buffs. They have spells, BCs, End of Turn, during combat all of which can be cast multiple times.

Frankly, maybe some of the units should be reduced to a couple units get buffs instead of the whole board. However, even then with how fast those gems scale, it almost seems like they may remain as strong as they are; i.e. scam or kill the opponent before they get too far with the build first. Not to mention the T4 DS minion that bounces gems when it gets one.

You have to have TERRIBLE RNG if you lose with QB. If you get a turn 8/9 Pokey and lose, the game hates you. I say this having experienced this scenario and proceeded not to see a single gem generator except for the T1 BC unit. I ended doing a menagerie comp and placing top 4.

Yeah. All true. The only downside to going QB is poor rolls and getting stuck with another board while an opponent got the good rolls.


I like to try different tribes when everyone is going QBs, which is generally 4-5 players, because it leaves the rest of the pool up for grabs. Unless, of course, the marvelous opportunity of QBs is presented.

That’s fine in solo que, but it’s a lot more risky in duo as you’ll quickly get out scaled and you need top 2.

The problem with duo is that you have essentially doubled the number of minions you see, and double the chances of being able to create the “unicorn” board. I’ve created boards in DUOs I could never achieve in SOLO.

This means that “high roll” tribes can do a lot better in DUO because you are more likely to high roll. If you high roll enough, it doesn’t even matter what your partner’s board is. So you could just have 1 partner that feeds another, especially if Quilboar is in the game.

Something else that should change in DUOs is who goes first and who goes second. You are locked with the matching against another player so you both go second together or both go first together and it never switches up.

This means you could end up getting double countered.

So if there are 2 teams left, Players A and B on 1 team and Players C and D on the other, it creates a problem if A and C always face each other 1st or 2nd because if C counters A, and D counters B, it’s a major benefit for C and D. Because if B counters C and A counters D, C and B will always win because B will never face C at the start of a fight and A will never face D at the start of a fight.

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Yeah but you also know how to counter play the opponent if they have a busted board. The real issue is if the busted board goes first or second when the counter needed it to happen the other way.

QB also makes it so their partner can essentially do whatever is needed. It’s so powerful they don’t need to worry about their opponent.

There isn’t a “needed it to happen the other way” though. It’s ALWAYS the same.

When you go first, you will always play the same opponent first on the other team that you have always faced first. There isn’t a “needed it to happen the other way” because there is never a “other way”.

That’s the problem.

A/B team
C/D team

A always fights C first when A is fighting first.
B always faces D first when B is fighting first.

So if A is countering C and B is countering D, C and D are screwed. C can’t “tech” for B and D can’t “tech” for B in reality because C will never fight B first and D will never fight A first.

I understand how it works. There is. Because sometimes if they go first you or your partner can clean up, but can’t if the reverse.

Right, and that’s part of the problem

A sometimes needs to fight D first and B sometimes needs to fight C first.

Locking opponent for first seems like an oversight.

I thought your issue was locking who fights who. Locking that is good so you can at least form a plan against broken boards. I’m saying the issue is the switching back and forth of who goes first.

Yeah but this makes sense.
You go first.
Then your partner.
Then you.
Then your partner.

It always rotates like that so that’s understandable because you need in combat buffs as much as your partner does.

What sucks is the other team is doing the same and you are fight locked with the other player.

But you always know which one of you is fighting first.

I think more strategy could be implemented if it was simply locked. Against broken boards I lose a lot simply because of who went first. Just adding more and more luck to the mix, if you ask me, isn’t good.

You mean if your partner ALWAYS went first and you never did?

Wouldn’t that suck? Whoever is going 2nd doesn’t ever get full advantage of deathrattles.

You build with that in mind. It’d be a different way of playing. With a friend, I can see it being highly strategic.

Maybe it could be separate mode.

Dragons can also produce similar scaling in and out of combat but it requires multiple different minions and and a board placed in a specific order. That’s where i think the biggest difference is. Buffing without any thought to your board configuration and/or variable minions from different tiers.

Beasts and Undead are very bad at scaling in general. They are good early and mid game but late game they fall right off of a cliff.

The alternative is they add some more scam back into the game to counter these large minion boards full of DS.

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From my personal experience, Undead are pretty dang good in Duos because you can get key pieces. You don’t need undead to scale health, only attack. And all the tokens can eat away at bigger boards like Murlocs/Dragons/Demons. Quilboar will just go out of reach too fast. 400+ health would take like 8 undead tokens to take down. That’s not hard to do vs Murlocs/Dragons/Demons because usually only 1-2 minions in those tribes get that big. For Quilboar, the entire board is that big.

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Exactly this. They also have access to recurring divine shield granted from a tier 2 minion that scales into late. Basically, every path they have to end game is good and funnels into it, and in Duos it is so easy to get to, and if you get good rolls, you can get OP on turn 8.

A big problem with Dragons, though, is that they usually just get high attack and Divine Shield (aside from a few with some defense). A bomber or cleave ruins those boards. Quillboar do not fall to anything but extreme scam luck, but then they also have a partner, so you know…

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That was my point. they both can scale but one is doing it in a way that is vulnerable while the other could care less which of their minions get hit first. Quillboars need to be punished for positioning like any other build.

Okay, I getcha, but I guess I’m saying that I wouldn’t compare anything to supremacy of the Boar. The in combat scaling can happen earlier than the truly OP scaling of QB, but it is far less reliable. You need specific minions, while QB can get/pump gems in many ways, then just need 1 t6 early to make it crazy. Yeah, a bit of a gamble, but with Duo, not so bad, especially with certain heroes. But the fact that every hero can potentially make it go crazy in Duo makes it way to common.

In general you have THREE ultimate boars at lvl 6 tavern, so in duos it’s best profit i guess, as you can find them and even make them gold super stable