Duo - penalize self-destructors

Just had a teammate intentionally bring our life total to zero in the tavern. Please penalize them - say a 1 day suspension from Duos, increasing if they do it again. That can’t be mistaken for a disconnect or something, that is intentionally destroying the team.

I love Battleground Duos, but for every couple games with competent or great teammates, you get a toxic one that just ruins the experience. Please, please, please put things in place to help with that.


Provide evidence they did it intentionally

Well if they played demons that cost health without a method to unwind it… or bought the spell that costs life without a method to unwind that… pretty self explanatory as to how its done intentionally.

There are people who buy a minion and do nothing else without leaving the game.

We can’t report them and how can we prove if we don’t record the games and what would it really change to prove ?

cant buy it with 3 or less health

Well ive never tried to so I wouldnt know that, lol. but if you have say 2 armor and 1hp, itd allow it, right? but i was paired with some idiot today that wouldnt every have more than 4 or 5 minions on his board, i’d send him helpful stuff t o fill it out or take advantage of his deathrattles such as the parrot. nope. I sent him a panda so he could send stuff to me free each turn, nope, sent it back the following turn, and sent me every single zilliax piece possible… which is dumb af… you only send t hose when you can send the magnetic, or if thats already in play, confirm the send first… but i got sent a divine shield and a stealth… and a taunt…what the hell? the worst part was i wasnt trying to go mechs… I only bought one at the first round… all my other picks were neutral/undead…

It’s annoying when you don’t want servants in your mate’s tavern and he sends you some without asking. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

The worst, once the other sent me absolutely anything of all types (level 1 or 2).

I wonder if they’re doing this to troll or if they really don’t know how to play.
Or they stupidly try to do a quest to pass minions and they troll the game.

i can not stand it when people finish my zilliax with garbage

The Zilliax that I like:

  • Reincarnation
  • Windfury
  • Divine Shield
    I accept “Camouflage”.
    Last, “Provocation” (sometimes it’s useful depending on the other cards) or “Magnetism” depending on what suits me…