Duo’s is a failure

Duo’s is broken and a failure

I’ve been playing HS week one and battlegrounds since day one so I’m not a newbie nor an entitled gamer

Duo’s cannot succeed in its current state

When beasts and dragons are in play it’s all you ever face because of how quick they can stat up attack wise

It gives you the player no room to use your imagination

The animations ruins the experience as you face beasts turn after turn in which gives you less time with bob

The biggest issue is using the current battlegrounds for duos

Battlegrounds and hearthstone in general wasn’t built for co-op

Duos for it to work needs its own tribes. Needs its own bosses and certainly needs its own cards

Spells have to go

You can’t just copy paste a single player mode into a team based mode

Nothing in duos works

The scam builds is destroying the fun it should have

A big issue is one player sitting on 1 and feeding the other player that’s high rolling and the high roller feeds the lower tier player

Then the lower tier player levels up twice in one turn

It’s the same in normal bgs

There needs to be a lock out from levelling up more than once per turn

The punishment you receive for being unlucky with bob is way more severe

Players getting a free attack when the second player comes into play needs to be fixed

Just fix everything

Now the plague of all hearthstone

The bots and hackers is out of control

I see the same wildpants silverpants goldenpants crazypants fluffy pants bot in duos now

I’m sure in leaving stuff out

Duos needs to have its own system

It’s not fun

Twice I enjoyed duos when beasts dragons and undead weren’t in play

All of us went toe to toe with out builds and it was a real team experience all because the scam tribes weren’t there

I haven’t played a single game of duos because I don’t want to play a cooperative game with a random person I don’t know. And I don’t have any friends that play HS currently. And I think this describes the vast majority of players tbh. I am very willing to believe HS duos is a lot of fun. I am sure playing with a friend while talking on discord is a blast. But I don’t think this is going to be a common experience for most players, so I am quite sure duos is doomed to fail from the start.

It’s unfortunate, but easy to predict. I don’t mind them taking some risks and going for fun but risky features, but… I do wonder if all this was a worthwhile use of time and resources, considering how unlikely it was to work out.


I was hesitant due to past experiences in other games…but have been surprised. The one time I came across a “leaver”, I learned you can just concede and not be penalized <3 (other than of course if you’ve gotten one of your favorite heroes with zero chance to top 2) I’ve had 2 games with people whom seemed to think they were still playing solos lol The rest have been pretty good to my surprise. Most teammates are thoughtful even if not too good. Most of my games have been 1st or second. I catch myself playing more duos with randos than anything else these days. Didn’t think I’d play more than one game in this mode…gotta say I love it :smiley:


Absolutely disagree. I’m having a blast, it’s some of the most fun I’ve ever had in Hearthstone.

If you don’t have a friend to play with, that’s not a reason to hate the mode.

And, I’ve played with randoms as well and it’s super fun.

Almost 5k mmr there now. It’s extremely fun, but does need some more balance between tribes because Quilboar is king.

They recently nerfed beasts and they can be borderline unplayable because of it. They used to be mega strong.

Dragons are a strong mid game, but if Demons or Quilboar are in, you won’t be winning with Dragons unless you’re extremely lucky.


Dragons is the strongest tribe

Yes quillboars are insane once you get the right t6 cards

A dragon beast combo can kill the lobby before quills get going

Anyway my post wasn’t about tribes being op my post was about so much is broken or doesn’t work in a co-op format

Fine if you are enjoying it but honestly it’s just monotonous seeing the same build over and over and over again

If 4 people are playing dragons by turn 10 they have the exact type of minion in the exact same position on the board

What MMR are you in duos?

I second this. Third it. Tetris it. lol. Yahtzee it!

oh my wow…

Ive managed to earn 1829 thus far. in the stats section there’s no indication of how many duos games in total ive played, but Ive got 7 first place finishes and 7 top 2 finishes. I think those are the same as the 7 first places lol if my reading is correct. but I guess the other metric I can provide is that it says Ive played 8 hrs in the mode thus far. each match is typically a half hour on average I think? sometimes longer.

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That’s pretty good man. WorriedCheez and I are kings of 2nd place, we don’t get 1st very often. However, we’ve recently changed strategies and have taken 1st a few times since then. 7 first place finishes is pretty good!


Just got another 2nd place myself. But it put me at a flat even 2000 mmr lol.

My issue was my partner was just not getting how to use the beast minion that can either give taunt or reborn… he was going for a beast build but it seemed couldnt make up his mind on if it would be a takes damage based one or a token summons build… so every time i sent them that beast for giving him some reborns to prolong his board’s viability, they would just give something taunt… every time. I cant remember a time Ive ever used that minion for giving taunt over reborn… even when I need to protect the blue bird id sooner give that blue bird reborn over giving something else taunt lol. if Im out of minions to give reborn, sure. But each and every time thats all they used it for lol.

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