Duels, Killmox is broken

In one hand he is super OP and I wouldn’t mind a nerf. But I am not here because of that.

The think is that his effect is one of those effects that causes weird interactions. Yeah if you think about it, it makes sense, but some situations aren’t at all intuitive and feel really unfair.

In my case I played “Equality” but nothing happened, his effect overwrited my card.

We have seen something like this befor with the rogue quest, and it was also something that a lot of people thought that was wrong, in the other hand, enrage cards that gain attack, can have an attack reductio, which nullifies their buff, so…

I think something has to be done with Killmox

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I agree, it’s unintuitive and also quite powerful. Additionally, all the weird wording “breaks” in the way the benefits him so it feels cheatey.

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He’s fine if you play around him. Silence, insta kills, transformations, poison etc. Most discard decks don’t have anything big they just flood the board so should be easy to save for it

That’d be true enough in standard, but duels is different. You don’t always have access to those things, and the decks aren’t reliable enough to have drawn them at some point even when you do.

On top of that, the fact that he basically heals you to full is a little op in and of itself.

That’s because his attack/health buff is a perpetual check, not a battlecry. His buff will update if the Warlock discards a card after playing him.

It’s similar to how Stormwind Champion works with cards that change attack or health.

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I go back and forth on this. With him, Discard decks are OK aggro decks IF you get the discard buckets. Which really, can be a really big if and times. He’s actually what is able to stabilize the deck reasonably in other matchups.

On the other hand, the fact he has rush sorta nullifies the silence/insta/etc. His biggest tool more then anything is that stabilization, giving the Warlock more time to deal with threats, and the biggest problem is that he’s easily duplicated through felo.

I’d normally say to give it more time, but then looking at the bigger picture, I do think something needs to be done for one reason: that the way he’s built is auto death for some classes.

Paladin is a prime example: Paladin’s removal usually deals with altering the stats of the card to deal with things like big bodies, and the fact is that his stats STAY in this case. Warrior and Priest are perfectly fine taking care of it, but he can spell death for druids and paladin, unless you run tech cards (silence) to specifically deal with him. Which in a game where you only start with 15 cards, is a hard pill to swallow.

Now having weaknesses against classes or strengths isn’t usually a problem, but he’s SUCH a problem for those classes that I think you have to address him.

I feel like converting it to a battlecry for the number of times you discarded would make a lot more sense and would balance against those other matchups.


I actually have 0 problems with that change as someone who plays warlock a lot.

It’s not needed at all and I personally would say no because it really unnecessary. But it would not change my opnion about the card at all.

It kills one very specific combo of it with that treasure that makes 1/1 copies of it but nothing really major since that is a turn 10 combo with a treasure.


Although this card is ridiculous, mostly because it can be copied multiple times (various ways to do so), and I get super pissed losing to it, warlock in duels is just completely broken against specific other classes. Warrior is a good matchup because you can build a fairly aggro (or high tempo) deck easily and you also have a lot of board clears/minion destruction options (brawl, coerce, etc.).
If you’re playing druid or hunter for example, you really have very little to counter - i had 3 freezing traps in my last hunter deck and it wasn’t nearly enough to deal with multiple killmox that just kept getting bigger.
There is a lot of rock/paper/scissors in duels so as much as I think warlock is broken against certain classes, on the other hand as hunter, etc. you have massive advantages vs other decks.
Warlock snowballs later on as you win more matches, although it can be decent early if you get the c’thun shattered + draw engine going. Once you have 25 copies of boneweb spiders … ick.
Some classes are way easier to win the first few matches but stall, others are weak early on but get much more powerful.
There are probably some balance changes needed just due to the limited card pool you start with which definitely advantages certain classes.

It actually sucks because paladin has no class card that can actually take care of the issue. You have to turn to neutral cards and run with a silence or big game hunter(if hes even in the pool)

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I think he wouldn’t be such a problem if it wasn’t for how much synergy he has with Felosophy. Even then, though, feels like an overtuned card.

Unlike Jek’lik, you don’t need to focus on him for him to get big, you can just play your normal game plan and he gets huge in the background. Unlike other handbuff cards, he doesn’t even need to be in your hand: you can topdeck him late in the game and he’ll be a 24/24 already. He’s immune to a lot of control and debuff spells, he has Rush so there’s a guaranteed board impact even if the opponent has one of the control spells that works on him, and there’s even a rider that makes it impossible for you to discard him by accident. It’s a lot of stuff packed into one card, especially compared to the other Warlock treasure.

And that’s the other thing about him: he’s so much stronger than the default Warlock treasure it’s ridiculous, which feels like a balance issue. Having to craft ten epics to unlock the “best” class treasure doesn’t feel great and makes one of the options feel like a false choice.

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All signature treasures should be slightly overturned cards.

As the mode is what we need is buffs in many of those and not the opposite.

Hello Blizzard if you are watching this, please please please nerf hard Killmox he is super overpowered and not fun to play against. I literally love all games Killmox is played, it is ruining the duels experience for me.

I have to agree, this card is insanely OP in duels, either nerf, fix, or remove this from duels, Its literally a 6 mana (even less if cheated out) Destroy any minion on the board, heal your hero to full HP and kill your opponent next turn if they don’t have an answer (which in duels due to the inconsistency of the decks, is likely) Plus if in their opening hand, their hero power pretty much becomes pay 1 mana, draw a card, buff your minion… which again is insane, i don’t normally write about cards, but this is just crazy, i have no hard times in duels unless i run into this. literally, even if its just changing it so it gets +1+1 instead, or no life steal, i don’t know… but in its current state, its absolutely broken.

It needs to be changed. Both the buff to 1+1 and the mechanic of constant buff that can’t be changed with cards like equality.

As long as I do not care a bit about duels, I am fine if they change the rush keyword to charge and slap mega windfury on top of it.

Though I guess even in heavy uncompetitive casual mode like duels, there should be some kind of power check - treasure should definitely be stronger than average cards, on the other hand these cards shouldnt be way over the top compared to other “normal” cards.

But who cares, this mode isnt about balance at all.