Druid so busted now

Wtf was blizzard think giving class like again over 10 manna the class it auto concede. You can not even get down low health they will just restore anyway to full in one turn.


i think you meant Warrior, seen one today with 20+ mana.

Looks like you never got hit with a 15-dmg Trogg Gemtosser

Or 30 dmg worth of Sea Chalice


Actually, no, but i did a 19 dmg Gemtosser.
What surprised me was that half of my games with Druid vs Warrior, the Warrior had more mana than me from start to finish.

Both have more manna at the moment, but Druid has only ability at the moment also restored full health plus gain a large amount armor.

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Druid deck is trash. 30 damage from hand is horsecrap.

I gave the druid a shot in the tavern brawl to see these new cards and the Titan ive never encountered before. i got paired up against another druid lol. we both went all the way to taking fatigue damage each turn and I only won because I was able to stop them from being able to revive their immortal tree guy over and over. (They kept putting it out there with only like 1 or 2 other minions and both being taunters… so naturally they die first lol). ended with me having like 12 armor left and full hp after taking 6 turns in a row of fatigue draw damage, and they ended up leaving before i could swing with lethal. Very little offensive options as druid vs druid with the same deck. definitely a war of attrition.

If your opponent druids are even going over 10 mana you’re playing the game wrong.

They weren’t. ///////

Druid right now is the reason any of the new Mage cards see viable play.

Should it get nerfed ?Absolutely but i want to play the new Mage cards and still win against insane aggro pirate decks so i hope they leave it alone.

Druid has multiple counters. It’s a good solid deck but there’s ways to beat it from different angles. If it does end up being too good overall adjusting costs on specific cards should solve the issue.

It’s the Warrior + Zilliax interaction that needs looked at. It’s basically pushing out all other board based decks. It’s an easy fix but i doubt they do it. If you let the meta breath and let board decks not Zilliax Warrior in you will more then likely see Druids win rate drop.

The ‘big spell’ mage package actually can do some incredible high roll. Surflapod into under the sea can put up some pretty crazy turn 6 boards and if ‘i can play brawl and ruin it for you’ warrior ever sees a decrease in play I think big spell mage could be a sneaky viable deck. I personally paired it with elementals.

Its a shame though that theres a lot of anti synergy with the no minion shell because it would pretty fun to have been able to pair them. Mabye they can create some hagatha type card / that DH scythe card in the miniset that turns a minion (surflapod) into a spell but you’d still pollute your drawn with cast with the 1-4 mana spells.

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Just play elemental mage.
It is really dumb how much the extra burst made for the deck.

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Concierge/drink Druid is the worst one.

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Only 30? I had one game as Excavate rogue, had about 20-25 in life stats on the board and 30 life hero. OTK just the same.


Yeah that card should be hit hard