Druid Quest Exploit

I was in a casual game and i was playing against a druid, I saw they had a quest to get 5 wisps he/she got the first card then used a return to deck on the wisp they did it 5 times and it worked… the quest was completed and within 3 to 5 minutes in the match my opponent had 4/4 cards on the table it was impossible to beat if it happens that fast please do fix this.

Could you provide more details, please? Screenshots, hsreplay.net links, etc?

There is no quest to play 5 wisps. However, there is (in wild only) a quest for Rogue that requires the player to play 5 cards of the same name: The Caverns Below (https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/The_Caverns_Below). And though wisp is not typically played in those decks I can see howe some people would choose that card.

Are you sure it was not a return to hand? Rogue has several such cards and they are obviously often included in decks that play The Caverns Below.

Having a very lucky opening hand is neither a bug, nor an exploit.
Now if you have reason to believe that your opponent has somehow found a way to consistently get exactly the best opening hand every game, that would indeed be an exploit. In that case, see How to Report Hacks/Exploits/Cheating for how to report this.


it was the rogue’s card ,sorry, It was return to hand but i feel like as if that is a exploit, if they throw down a card pick it up throw it down agian then pick it up yet again in one turn and repeat with as much as their mana allows . So yes i beleive its an exploit

No, that’s how it’s supposed to work…

This isn’t a bug or an exploit. It doesn’t become one just because you don’t like it.


They were only using mana to do this? They didn’t have to use any cards? I am not aware of any such way. Can you be specific?

Always when i play vs druid and he has the “Untapped Potential” they must have 4 turns without spending mana, and after the second turn he starts using mana but the quest marks it as a turn.It is impossible to beat them like that.

  • The original thread is not related to this issue at all - please create a new one for new topics instead of reusing a not related thread.
  • Untapped Potential requires you to have unused mana left - it doesn’t say that you can’t use your mana at all.
  • Pro players do not think that this druid quest is that strong. If you have better know how then them, I would suggest to play tournaments.

The quest objective is not “spend no mana during a turn”; it is “spend less than your full mana amount during a turn.”

Perhaps this is a language translation issue? Is English your first language?