Druid needs immediate balance changes

I am so sick and tired of druid players being able to pad their decks with multiple legendary one cost cards over and over and over again. Sky mother aviana needs a once per game tag thrown on it. Honestly, the favoritism this class gets is ridiculous. Mana creep, power creep, you name, it it’s crazy. And somehow they always have Reno in hand so even if you get a full board of minions, they just wipe it away and then fill the board with one cost legendaries. Oh and don’t forget rheastrasza so they can “discover” a discounted dragon every turn as well!! Then Druid players will sit back emoting like they’ve actually done something. And you can say I’m being salty idgaf, there’s no way to counter such bs mechanics, especially since they won’t create another card like steam cleaner. Any other class would’ve been nerved by now, but druid is always allowed to be broken.


Imagine complaining about sky mother avianna of all things. Next thing you know we’ll also be complaining about Owlonius, Toyrantus, Dust bunny, and Rocket Hopper.


Hey, this aviana is actually a good card, and it’s RNG based, so of course it gets done complaints.

Owlonius could still find it’s way one day into a deck we all hate… It’s design is OTK or bust.

I’m sorry, I think you’re in the wrong universe/timeline


Hey I tried my hand at climbing with owlonious druid a day ago. I called it quits when I had a game vs nohandsgamer where he was Reno warrior and I literally drew the worst brick of a draw I’ve ever drawn in my entire life. He won with Reno warrior, is like a 90 10 mu in my favor, but I literally bricked the whole game. Feelsbadman.

I’m desperate for a fun deck to play, and thought the owl might be decent, but God it feels bad to sit there the whole game not drawing a single piece.

The game is really running on fumes for me.

This guy accidentally teleported back in time a couple of expansions. I thought for sure this was going to be a necro thread with someone complaining about Guff.

I’m just thankful that we (OP excluded) avoided the Guff gets reprinted in Core timeline

although I have always really enjoyed that voice acting. Also forum tears. I have some ambivalence


Aviana is good, helps eat up all those bombs boomboss gives me

It’s true, Druid needs serious buffs

Being serious here a moment though. I play highlander dragon druid as my favourite because building the board is fun. Reno is basically the only proper clear the deck has, outside of discovering a deathwing but even then, there’s a cost. I put aviana in for the lols, helps with loads of plagues and boomboss by just padding the deck, most of what you draw from it is garbage. Drew a hagatha, draw a 5 cost spell but whoops don’t have any that late in the game. Just dead draws for the most part. I think it’s a failry balanced class that’s fun to play control in.

Are you high? The deck is near unplayable and if you make it to any actually useful cards in this deck you are one of the lucky few. Try playing it yourself and then lets talk again.