Druid has just Way Too Much … Everything

What is the point in playing any other class?? What is the point of playing standard at all?

Druid is so Beyond Broken, this game is so biased and busted.

Why should Druid have the best mana ramp and tempo and taunts and steal your mana and spell damage and replays spells and armor gains and >10 mana and refresh mana crystals and refresh hero health and 3 mana deal 17 damage to face and choose THRICE (really wtf?) and 1 cost legendaries and resurrect taunts (Zilliax) and easy Reno and easy Marin treasures and infinite Dragons discovery and… where are my commas? Druid has taken those too.


:rofl: :sweat_smile: :rofl:


Just about died when i got to that part lolol


Yet it gets murdered by fast decks. Just delete marin from the game and druid is all of a sudden a tier 7 deck.

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There’s 13 decks above any druid deck right now on meta. Druid is t2 at best. Any decent aggro player will beat any druid deck.

It might be hard to deal with at bronze or wherever you’re at, but that doesn’t make it “beyond broken”. They’ve already been nerfed.

This is ironic given how profoundly opposite my political opinions are from him, but I did get one particularly good life lesson from when I heard Ben Shapiro say “two things can be true at once.”

It IS true that Druids (I would know, I main Druid) get utterly wrecked by aggro decks. Best case scenario we play a 3/2 body on turn 1, turn 2 coin/inner into a 3/2 body that gets us to 4 mana turn 3, which then lets us drop a 4/5 taunt + card draw, which lets us coin/2nd inner into steal-your-girl('s mana) and from there it’s the same tired story everyone hates.

But you look at our board presence, and what do you see? In four turns, we have a 4/5, 4/5 taunt, 3/2, and 3/2. Even if you do NOTHING to counter us, LITERALLY just passing your turn, it still takes us until turn 5 or 6 to develop lethal from that. Which for those of you keeping track at home, is coincidentally when the Druid starts “popping off” with their infinite mana shenanigans. MEANING, by the time we even DO that, “Omae Wa Mou Shinderiu!”

So really, if we start doing the crap this thread complains about, it’s YOUR fault for letting us do it.

At, the same, time, though (I’m using the commas, that I stole from OP). Two things, can be true at once.

The fact that Druid CAN do these things is more than a little ridiculous. Yes, we have counters, but also yes, we do have way too much everything. You either kill us with aggro or you lose. It’s not a fun choice.