Dr. Stichensew card text MUST change

Alright so I just lost a game due to this card’s text being absolutely trash.

Dr. Stichensew

[card pic](https://preview.redd.it/new-card-revealed-dr-stichensew-v0-bwyt3ahhlcnc1.png?auto=webp&s=4cb55fdea9ad6a4e2b4dcb194586c2e4ad789400)

" Battlecry: Discover a 5, 3, and 1-Cost minion to stitch to this. Deathrattle: Summon the 5-Cost minion."

Alright so just from the text besides the fact that he summons the 5 cost that I discover after he dies, what does stitch do? One would assume it would add to his stats or deathrattle but nope it is apparently that dr summons the 5 cost, then the 5 cost summons the 3 and the 3 summons the 1. It’s a beginners trap and has no place in a rules heavy card game.

When this card was played vs me I couldn’t see what minions he picked or what deathrattle besides summoning the 5 cost minion. Had zero clue what was going on and only could speculate and guess in the 35 seconds my turn lasts. There was a reddit post where a guy came up with a much more descriptive card text and I believe it should be implemented next patch. But the young devs don’t read this forum so why am I even wasting my time.

Here it is:

Discover a 5, 3, and 1 cost minion. Deathrattle: Summon the minion of the next highest cost (With this Deathrattle!).

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35 seconds huh? You put HS on X2.5 or what?


Why would anyone assume that the stats would be added?


Because that’s what Stitch mechanics usually does in this game, and the proof lies in Hunter’s Zombiecrafted beasts. It literally says “Discover a zombie and beast and stitch them” and then it joins their stats.

It’s literally the correct way to interpret Dr stitchensaw if you have ANY knowledge about the game, which makes the OP right.

But the devs just don’t give a damn about consistency at all.


I also did not understand how the good doctor worked until I tried to clear one off the board.

The text did not explain well how the effect worked.

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The real complaint should be he doesn’t drop them all at once and instead has to be a very inconvenient Matryoshka doll


Welcome to Hearthstone where the text on cards is inconsistent and ambiguous. This isn’t the first time and it won’t be the last where the same text means different things on different cards. That being said games random ladder games mean very little. Its not like you were in the World Championship playing for $1000000 when you first found out what this text really meant and I doubt any instance like that will every happen. People just don’t go in playing cards blind for the first time when the outcome of the game actually matters.

Inspire is a keyword they added years ago, and clearly are trying hard to forget.

Guessing they just assumed people would play the card, and learn what it does, like people do with every other card. But then again, as with Inspire, its like they dont even know what they added to their own game lol

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I personally LOVED inspire. I still use some of them today. They were some favorites to use in Duels. RIP Duels… :headstone: :frowning_face:

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They did make a video about dr Stichensew and how it actually works, but still, it forces you to watch a video or try it in-game before learning how it works

Naturally, most of the players choose option 2


I didnt even know it existed until this thread appeared on the forum lol.