Dr. Boom Overpowered?

Hi, I have returned to Hearthstone after an 8 year break, and I booted up the old secret paladin deck (for some reason Mysterious Challenger is now a 5 mana 5/5 though which ruins the perfect curve) and I was excited to see and play my old friend Dr. Boom or Dr. 7 as he used to be called. The thing is though, the only time I got to play it it wasn’t even close to being good enough. What happened? This card used to be an absolute terror and menace to the game. A war golem with 2 additional boom bots was insane. But now it seems like Dr. Boom is no longer any good at all? What happened?

Almost a decade of power creep.

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When did you return again?

Seriously though yeah wild is wild. Most old powerful cards are now garbage unless they happen to synergize with the new ones

Oh yeah I didn’t even notice who I was replying to the first time. You post about Wild all the time so what is this pretending lol

8 year break, what, you got the hyperbolic time chamber from dbz over there or something?

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Dont just come back after an 8 year break and ask what happened. Theres not enough space on the forums to write an essay that long. 8 years? Really?

easy enough to just say a terrible dev team is in charge and the game has been turned into a shadow of its former self.

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As someone who is going through this I think most player dissatisfaction comes from growing tired of the game over time for whatever reason. Blaming the game creators seems like a cheap, easy way to avoid responsibility for one’s own feelings and actions

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I just thought it was weird that the best 7 drop that could basically never be beat (unless the game jumped the shark) is now nearly useless. Same with Piloted Shredder…I thought they said they were never going to print a 4 drop as powerful as it again, but it seems like now if you don’t put down 12/12 stats or something on turn 4 it’s no longer good enough? What has happened?

I don’t get how people can expect to be thoroughly entertained by the same game for ten full years. If that happens it’s a miracle.