Don't get mad at the same old same old decks...Gatekeep!

So a few expansions back i just had enough of Druids. After getting destroyed by this class despite playing different classes etc i finally made a decision.
I built a counter Druid Thief Priest deck and just waited like a trap door spider.
I can’t state win/loss ratio but oh my it was good times.
This expansion with Reno this and Leeroy that and locks and Paladins(how is this a balanced class) and DKs etc just keeping me at G5.

i had to do it again.

Built a Odyn deck to gatekeep.  So far so very good.  Stacking armor, clearing boards, just drawing out the game and dragging my opponent into the deep water has been

Does it feel wrong? of course. i would not like to play against my build.
I do not win all of the matches of course but i am easily over 60%.
So if you are climbing in standard and around Gold or low Plat and you run into this deck and lose i am not feeling guilty at all.
if you are playing Shammie, Druid, Pally, or any class using Reno may i send a open invite to my parlor.

I agree that you shouldn’t get mad at decks and instead try to counter them. I am surprised by the list of decks that you are trying to counter with Odyn warrior. Shaman makes some sense, especially at lower ranks, but Druid, Paladin and Highlander Warrior are bad matchups for Odyn. If it’s working for you, keep doing what you’re doing.

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Oh yes i get the smackdowns from time to time…but they are looooong matches(relative to today’s hearthtstone’s standard time of match) and if i can make them play longer then expected…tbh it makes me happy.

 With the assumption that my opponents are less happy.

For the most part if i can get some semblance of control by round 6 or so and am not going to get the bum rush early loss, the armor/excavate/taunt cards gain a lot of momentum and the deep waters beckon.

oh my terrible grammar. my partner would pull my ears for this post.

If you have any musings on a good general gatekeeper deck i would be very intrigued.
