“Generally, we don’t particularly want players to disenchant their cards,” says Lee. “That’s a bit of a new mentality for us, especially when you think about things like achievements in the future, and game modes potentially linking to older parts of your collection. If you’re destroying your cards, you’re kind of harming yourself [in relation to] future things that we’re planning. So, we want people to open their cards, feel good about them, and keep them.”
This pretty much confirms that new game modes will use wild cards and there will also be achievements attached to them!
You know what my constraint is here. Often times I’m shy of a solid amount of dust for a legendary that will complete a deck for me and am forced to go into my already decimated wild collection and remove from there.
If the expense for dust on cards wasn’t so taxing on my already finite amount of dust, this wouldn’t be an issue. If their intent was to want us to keep our cards, maybe a dust reduction on cost to craft cards? Because even a new mode that allows wild cards will be terrifying to the newer players who dont have wild collections.
Edit: or even the token system for cards like LoR uses to help players build a collection from the wild inventory would be amazing.
You know as well as I do that if/when a new format (Im thinking the often requested rotational x-sets per month format) is introduced, (some of) the people who already dusted their wild collection on rotation are gonna be up in arms 'cos theyre excluded from playing it.
My Wild collection is virtually non-existent (started around Witchwood). I was going to disenchant the sets going into Wild in April (because I don’t play Wild and I can really use the dust).
If I have to back buy for some achievement then I will only because by then the ‘pack protection’ system will be in place and theoretically, I should be purchasing less.
Perhaps i should’ve bought that Wild bundle and left the packs unopened.
But you’re right Bee, there probably will be some Wild achievements for sure.
There’s also the issue that not every player has been around since beta.
It’s a good idea for players who already have an established wild collection. Also, if they were serious about it then cards that rotate to wild shouldn’t be allowed to be dusted? Seems redundant. Get rid of the dust system for wild and just give all players access to the wild collection.
Now, let me just put on a metal helmet for all the people wanting to bash my brains in for suggesting that all the cards they previously paid for should be free when rotating.
Be gentle.
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I dont like it on principle… But, in Feb, Chinas wild format had more players in it than their standard format, and rumour has it, Netease did exactly that.
Personally I would prefer reduced crafting costs for wild cards, but if making 'em free is whats required to increase the participation level in wild, then do it!
(in that same season NA, Eu and AP had less than 2K legend players combined)
I don’t think anyone likes the suggestion. At least none of the longer standing wild players. But I had a bad habit of which I’m ridding myself this year which was to take and dust my entire wild collection. I’m now X amount of expansions behind. But I’ve always heard good things and I’ve always wanted to try the format. I’ve piloted a few standard decks into wild and some cut it but most fall to pieces from the lack of collected cards.
I would prefer a dust reduction also. Then we could at least cherry pick a deck we want to try out when coming into wild with limited means.
i started 1 expansion before you and yes my wild is non existent too. Sad.
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Wat, that’s a bit out of touch. That’s not anything new, it’s been a thing for budget players since forever. But generally I agree, if you have a large enough collection and can support yourself without disenchanting Wild cards, then don’t do it. Maybe except for most obvious packfillers.
Just dust the trashy ones.
If not enough, assess whether you interest yourself in niche picks for decks. If not, dust those.
What’s the point of dusting a staple common like Ferocious Howl for 5 dust? So not worth it. But for Walnut Sprite? More so.
I started during KnC and I’ve got a big enough wild collection to play essentially every deck from meta to meme other then priest and control variants of warrior.
Not trying to flaunt it or anything, just saying it’s possible to have a good wild collection at that point.
i craft cheap wild deck but the expensive 1 are… a little beyond my reach haha. Those fun memey one.
Yeah I started just before KFT - and over time you fill in more gaps - but I’ve spent a lot of money and missing the staple legendaries for Control Warlock stuff in Wild, though I still play some controlly Warlock decks.
Maybe if I aggressively dusted or played well in Arena I’d be closer now, but I’ve always been of the mindset to play and win with less legendaries than “required”, to keep budget/F2P/casual players in mind.
Unfortunately I’ve found it harder and harder to satisfactorily do so, though do your best with crafting the staple neutrals (Zilliax, Siamat, Alexstrasza) and less on the class-specific legendaries you didn’t happen to open (eg: Valdris, The Soularium). Handlock I ran to Rank 5 at 63% winrate one month without Valdris/Godfrey, a couple of those mentioned neutrals and 1 Dark Skies.
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Trouble is, it’s very difficult to know which cards are trash and which ones to stash, I’ve seen plenty of cards I thought were beyond bad become part of a very powerful deck in Wild.
Now I don’t dust Wild cards any more, I haven’t dusted many, but I’ve regretted every one I have dusted!
I think the best thing for Blizzard to do would be offer reduced cost crafting for Wild cards alongside some superior value Wild bundles in the shop, it’s all old content now, no need to charge anywhere near full price for it.
That way they avoid the wrath of players who have kept their old cards and who would feel like mugs if they gave a full Wild collection to everyone but allows newer players , or those who have always dusted the rotated sets to get into the mode without it costing an arm and a leg.
I guess Darkest Hour Warlock is an example of this?
We cannot predict with certainty, but there are also cards that were considered “trash” turn out usable, but in a niche deck. Some people don’t want to play niche decks, so that’s a disenchant.
I can say, for example you can disenchant Forest Guide, Bewitched Guardian, Toxmonger from Witchwood and you wouldn’t lose out on too much in the long run. These cards have niche uses. But you don’t want to disenchant Book of Specters.
If someone said they don’t like playing Priest, then for them all Priest cards become that much higher of a priority to disenchant. But you don’t want to disenchant Mass Hysteria.
This sort of reasoning can help you gain some dust while keeping a few staples for further down the line.
I personally choose to keep all my cards (for now), but on my alts, I would choose differently.
Blizz has been going back on their own words. I wouldn’t trust such things.
Honestly wouldn’t surprise me if Forest guide or Toxmonger ended up in a good deck at some point, they both have unique effects that could potentially be amazing with the right support.
Still, if you need the dust to craft something specific, then you can try and look for “forever bad” cards, I just know from my own experience that it’s VERY difficult to judge!
Blizzard: “Our analysts came to the conclusion that players would spend more money for packs if they wouldn´t dust old useless cards to craft the new cards. Please stop dusting your cards”
so unless the give every player all cards in wild, they essentially just made the game p2w again in what ever new potential modes
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It’s a reasonable objection. To date, the Standard game has implied that rotated cards can be dusted without consequence. Those cards cannot be used in the Standard format and thus are not necessary to keep in our collections if we have no interest in playing Wild. The only consequence would be for the occassional Tavern Brawl for which a Wild card might offer a crucial advantage. As a result, many players have been routinely dusting rotating cards.
Unfortunately, with 5 sets (soon to be 8 sets) rotated into Wild, it would seem a bit unfair to those players to be “forced” to purchase old card packs or re-craft old cards in order to compete. Achievements tend to offer purely cosmetic rewards, so there’s really no substantive issue there. But if any of the competitive game modes offer an advantage for having maintained an extensive Wild collection, that would definitely rub many customers the wrong way. Their frustration would absolutely be justified.
One possible softening of this issue might be to modify the crafting costs for Wild cards to cost only the disenchant value. That way, those of us who dusted them can “re-claim” them for what we were paid. They could even offer all players temporary access to a specific Wild card set during any limited time event that might utilize those cards. Now if there isn’t any substantive impact on the Standard play mode, then this argument may be moot. But I certainly think it’s a reasonable area of concern for many players who, based on the game design to date, saw no consequence to dusting old cards.