Done with Ranked

I’ll just play in casual after the new expansion, since classes will no longer matter at all.
And BTW? Anyone who doesn’t think that matching is weighted has never played in casual.


I can understand the frustration but what is the point? People play same decks in Casual.

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Because it won’t matter how busted the game is. I’m no longer playing to achieve anything, as achievement is meaningless in the product now.

You can do the same thing in ranked. I mean, you do you but from the logical perspective it is a meaningless move. Tho I understand that it’s made out of frustration so I should not try to reason with it.

Have fun in Casual, mate, as much as it is possible in modern HS.

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I’ll do what I can. I despise the lack of creative design and total incompetence we have to endure now.
Were it not for the fact that it took me ten years to build my collection, and I have no other replacement, I would just quit.
But, this will work well enough for me.


Hate to break it to you but casual and ranked are literally the same as far as decks you’ll face. The only difference is ranked will give you a ladder progression and casual will give you nothing.

If you think you’re going to escape to a wonderful land of deck experimentation and fun off meta decks you’re in for disappointment.


I know that, but now I don’t have to care whether I play well or don’t, whether I draw well or don’t, etc.
Team 5 has killed all player agency, and so playing in ranked is a fools errand.

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I’ve realized this as well some weeks ago.
Playing a game casually is what it should be all about. When ranks come in-play your brain will get more tilted from things happening. In Casual if you dislike what your opponent is playing you can concede without a second thought and not feel bad about it.


in casual all priests auto win vs me, i just concede and go to the next game

or your playing meta? concede and go to the next game

i almost only play casual, i will get to gold or plat to grab some monthly rewards though

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imo casual if your better then say bronze/silver you might as well be facing diamond 5. Their is a thin layer of noobs, if your mmr is any better then that you pretty much face the same decks as diamond 5.

I mean. They play the same decks in casual. You can’t really escape them.

I thought you finally got a viable mage burn deck? Why quit now?


Because I’m tired of Team 5. They rarely ever move in more than one direction.
The matching is terrible now. I highly doubt this in any way improves the experience at diamond ranks.
Plus? The rewards for laddering are in no way equivalent to the amount of time and frustration the game requires to level.
I have hit Legend plenty of times.
I no longer need the validation.

I know. But I’m not trying to escape them, just ensuring that I don’t care about the outcome.

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Do you have some sort of “I quit” quota you have to meet within a month or something?

Also, we haven’t even seen all the cards yet, let alone actually seen how they affect the meta after a month of being released or so. If you’re so ready not to play a game after a small glimpse of what’s to come, then maybe you should follow through on the “I quit” for you’re own sanity.

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My own sanity is not of any concern for you.
And it’s “your”, not “you’re”.
I’m not quitting, and did not say so here.
I’m just playing in Casual going forward, unless quests demand otherwise, because Rank seems meaningless now.
You seem powerless to ignore threads you dislike.
Allow me to show you how it’s done.