Done playing till zerg DK is nerfed

Title says it all. Hope some mod sees this and they do something about this quick. Ranked is unplayable


Join the dark side as some of us have my guy, and play weapon rogue. Tbh I play this deck because I couldn’t afford the miniset yet :joy:

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All I want to know is how you have this subtitle of “known issues” in your title.

wtf is that and how can I do it? lol

NVM: Figured it out. How have I never seen that option before LOL

Another expansion/mini-set, yet another busted combo/interaction/tribe released. Hearthstone just being Hearthstone. They have to sell packs somehow, and what better way than to release busted stuff for all the wagoneers to enjoy? They’ll nerf it, after a few weeks or a month, when the sales slack off. It’s not like anyone would have known that given a Deathrattle minion that buffs all other minions of its tribe to the class that has ways of giving those minions reborn wouldn’t be problematic right? Especially when many of those minions have rush to keep board control.


What is Known-Issues ?