Does spooky mage need a nerf

lmao i love it. mage lover: ‘mage isn’t even top tier, even though Mage is top tier’

oh how coward Mage players would love if everyone was as braindead as the ones who play Mage decks to believe such utter tripe

Nope. Let them have some fun.

Location could probably use a nerf. People have some issues with it in constructed and the Location is busted beyond belief in Arena. It single handegly wins games in Arena combine that with what it does in constructed and that should tell the card is overtuned.

I realize during its rotation, Living Dragonbreath was not commonly used. With the curent prevalence of freeze effects, might it see play today?

Youd need to play that before they freeze but they can clear it an then just freeze i like the anti freeze tech im just not sure how its the awnser but i could be wrong.

If you nerf what it counters isn’t that an indirect nerf anyway?

Actually no, if you play after your board is frozen the card unfrozen all.

The problem is being an extremely specific tech, will help a lot against freeze mage and will be useless against everything else, I don’t think will see any play.

If had tradeable then yes.

Wow have you tested it that is good if it can unfreeze.

The card unfreeze and make impossible to any minion you control being freeze by any means, the problem is what I said before, unless the meta is +50% freeze decks the card don’t make the cut, vanilla 3 manas 3/4 was ok before but now is awful, 3 manas now any card need to be massively overpowered, looks what other decks do with 3 manas like implock hitting your face with 6-8 damage, rogue playing a Edwin 9/9 or druid buffing 5 minions board and getting out of reach.

You will concede before or after playing a useless 3/4 in this crazy enviroment?

I would say no. Tech cards that are very specific like this are rarely if ever good unless something is utterly dominating the meta and freeze hasn’t arrived at that point yet.