Recently I hit the legend rank in wild. Does anyone else play this format or it’s just the 10% of the players? What decks do you prefer to use to push ranks? I’ve reached legend with questline warlock but I’m eager to hear about other great decks too.
I know there is a list with decks like pirate rogue and big shaman, but I’d like to get some fun decks too before the new expansion sets.
Not anymore. It was my main battlefield for about 2-3 years but I stopped playing when bots took over the format and playing N’Zoth Deathrattle Priest became futile. So for almost last two years I only dip into Wild for quick quest completion with classes I do not play like Paladin, Druid or Rogue.
I still play in wild but sadly they burried any late game potential some years ago
I used to play a homebrew highlander even warlock with a mech’thun combo which was my favorite wild deck to climb with
But questlines destroyed it
Then I switched to the hyper fast variations of the deck that got destroyed with the cataclysm rework
Now I only play off-meta “combo” decks that can seal the game by turn 4~6. Not my favorite ones but still enjoyable
Celestalon and Co. have pampered Rogue and Druid for so many years that you do tend to see way more of those two classes, but if you play those then you’re golden