Do you feel that the most intellectually engaging part of this game

Played against a Rogue for the daily

Discovery a legendary Minion
Clever disguise
I play a 0/3 minion Rogue plays Vendetta.

Definitely a game of randomness not repetition (Sarcasm).

Most intellectual decision making is what am I going to watch on my second screen while hearthstone does it same old same old.

Next Match Galakrond Rogue

Play Maniac
Play Another Maniac Shadowstep that one
Play another Maniac

Play lackey that gives +2 health and taunt because that’s the one rogues always get along with mutate lackey

Now its on to board spamming of minions and using faceless corrupter at midgame.

Now play Galakrond and then Kronx Dragonhoof turns 7 - 9, one of those for free.
Now use Evicerate and +++ attack stuff all in the same turn using Galakrond and Dragonhoof. Now emote cocky spam on how good your are even though the game did all the work.

Because its game of randomness not repetition. Sarcasm.

All in the try hard format while others just want to do the daily.

Play against Embiggen Druid

Plays Embiggen
Plays Sidequest Strength in numbers
Play Swipe
turn 6 complete Sidequest now onto smorc’ing with the big beefys. No 2 games are the same (sarcasm).

No intelligence needed in the main game for most players.

Rote play, paint by numbers netdecks see to that with what must be a tiny % that bother to make their own decks.

Even if they don’t net deck I would guess there are the go to OP cards that they just build the deck around, doesn’t take much intelligence to quick draw as many cards as possible just to get that 1 game winner.

My effort to create decks doesn’t go further than filling it with whatever the daily requires starting with 1 manas to get as many cards out as soon as.

Sometimes I do actually bother to try to win - like with my shaman dragon deck, shaman for no reason other than it was the daily class - and there is some thought needed to use what you have randomly created.

Otherwise it is just ‘meh’ and I play to lose as quickly as possible, the most thought needed how to press the end turn button as quickly as possible without even playing a card.