Do you enjoy Deck Building?

Depends on my mood and if anything within that class’s toolkit inspires me.

Generally speaking though, yes.

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Looooove it, all my decks are handcrafted by me. Some of them are still a WIP and don’t get as much attention as some of my other ones though, and i’m constantly sitting at 27/27 decks made, so it can be a pain in the butt when i wanna try out new things. i really don’t get why some people would netdeck, making one’s own deck is half the fun.

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Since i’m having a fever and staying home all day i decided to spend it playing quest priest haha.

I’m happy to report that currently i’m 40-57 (yes, i know, i played all day!)
I made a only a small amounts of tweaks in the beginning and decided to stick with mostly a discover quest priest.

The only problematic encounters are warlock, mage and shaman. (Obviously, with their disgusting quest rewards way too early.

In all these 97 games i’ve only managed to actualy play Purified Shard ONCE. Not even complaining about it since imho i don’t even like the design of it and it’s very hard to even pull it off.

I’ve mostly focused on discovering what i needed against each class and saving/adapting to their plays.

Still tho, major feelsbad against warlocks, mages and shamans.

Warlocks kill me with fatigue and no amount of healing or crowd controling does the trick to stop him from drawing entire deck by turn 8. There were rare instances where i won where i was lucky to draw moonfang early and actually buff it enough that warlocks couldn’t kill it in time.

Mages…i started instaconceding against them after a little while. I really don’t like their no minion insane draw kills you from hand at turn 7 archetype. I don’t like any deck that does it so fast.

Shamans were always somehow close yet so far away to be beaten. Lost the large majority to him. Once he plays the quest reward, it’s insanity overtuned to 9001. Without the quest, i would argue that shaman is pretty decent, but man do those double spells hit hard, both on board and on face.

Here’s the deck that i’m using if anyone wants to try out something different. I’ve been having fun with it. It has a favorable chance against any other deck except mage,shaman and warlock for obvious reasons.

Quest Priest
Format: Standard

1x (1) Draconic Studies
1x (1) Reliquary of Souls
1x (1) Seek Guidance
1x (1) Shard of the Naaru
1x (2) Condemn (Rank 1)
2x (2) Pandaren Importer
2x (2) Renew
2x (2) Shadow Word: Death
1x (3) Devouring Plague
2x (3) Devout Dungeoneer
2x (3) Entrapped Sorceress
2x (3) Palm Reading
2x (3) Venomous Scorpid
1x (4) Brittlebone Destroyer
1x (4) Hysteria
1x (4) Shadow Word: Ruin
1x (4) Void Shard
1x (5) Moonfang
1x (5) Taelan Fordring
2x (6) Lightshower Elemental
1x (7) Elekk Mount
1x (8) G’huun the Blood God


I like to play something a little bit off meta and therefore unrefined so I can add my own tech/ twist to it.

I.e. just made it to dumpster legend with my take on Questline Rogue ( D5 - legend) and Questline Priest ( D10-5).

I would agree that the Questlines aren’t great for creativity, they’re so powerful that you have to either run them, so your deck 90% builds itself, or you have to tech against them , watchposts, Neophyte etc…

That’s my biggest issue with the Questlines, they’re linear and therefore predictable and so get old very fast, they’re already getting boring and we’ve got another year before they rotate!!!

This next set of nerfs and buffs should be interesting, but I still think they should rotate all of the Questlines early, like Genn and Baku.

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I do love deck building. I don’t care about gaining wins or losing. I’m here for the fun.

homebrewing with new expansion releases is fun, but its pretty short lived these days.

can’t go 2 days without ladder being flooded with net decks
or worse… those people who build aggro decks with no new cards just to farm wins…

it’s like wow…
give it a freaking rest… just for one day.

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Making decks is fun; using them in ladder isn’t.
I mostly play homebrew decks but in casual, where I start by losing a lot, but after refining I manage to win/lose with a close ratio.

If after refining the deck is still bad, I just drop it (it happens very ofter; expecially with highlander paladin :joy: that deck never worked as I thought it would…)

Why build decks when you can build relationship?

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I think deckbuilding in this meta is perfectly possible.

Just, as Kibler says, as long as your deck can win by turn 8. (I think he said turn 6, but I think now things have slowed down a little)

i enjoy deck building

i enjoy deck refining to my style of play much more tho

take a meta deck
swap a few cards that suit me
play it and continue twerking

No, I’m a net decker by nature.

No, because true skill is playing a good deck perfect,y, not creating a perfect deck. IMO…

True skill is building net decks AND playing them perfectly.

any moron can play decent net deck and pilot it to legend just by putting in time.

I make my own decks but mostly I just don’t have all the cards the recipes require. Plus, many times just looking at the cards I’ve found much better replacements for the same mana. So, I just use what I have and hope for the

I wasn’t trying to say building decks requires more skill than piloting one. However, it is difficult creating a true and successful deck from scratch. When I say true I mean one that’s innovative. It’s hard. Piloting can be hard too. Not trying to compare the two. :slight_smile:

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I can understand, why people love to build their ow deck and are proud of their creation. I enjoy playing a netdeck. I am really bad at deck building and don’t find it fun. I don’t necessarily pick good decks to play, just the ones I find fun to play.

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I don’t know that’s true. This moron netdecks almost exclusively and is only average.
You still have to know how to pilot the deck correctly.

The core cards of an archetype is mostly the same and eventually you’ll come up with a similar list.

Most of the time the deck you build yourself to hit legend will be similar to net decks, especially when the meta is solved. So I enjoy the first few days of a new expansions where everything is thriving and not oppressed by tier S decks yet. After that you can only resort to counter decks if you want something different, but it’s likely tier 3 or worse.

This is often true, especially this expansion. As others have said, your deck kind of builds itself if you are running a questline. After refining, your deck will probably be similar to a netdeck. Still fun and enlightening, for me, though.

I like it on occasion if I get an idea, but most of my decks are net decks that I changed around a little bit. I don’t often come up with a deck idea for a whole deck. It usually only works out when I keep it very simple. Examples of simple ideas that have worked out are a libram/dragon Paladin or a dragon priest with the healing quest. An example of something ‘original’ I’ve tried to come up with is an ‘anti-magic rogue’ with all untargetable or stealth minions. When I get too ambitious I just don’t have the deck building skill to make it work.