Do you add friend to complain about misplays?

It’s all about how good you are at HearthStone, ain’t it?

Guess what.
Most people that added me to criticize my plays more than a year ago, though they were quite salty (which I do not blame them for. I played very degenerate decks at that time), actually helped me get better at the game.

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Are your rants as badly thought out as your posts here? If so, I wouldn’t be too worried about the people receiving them. They’re likely rolling their eyes or outright laughing as they unfriend you.

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I mean I generally play pretty well without making too many obvious mistakes like drawing last, etc.

Sure, sometimes I make mistakes I ain’t perfect but usually I’m confident about my plays.

I’m assuming that’s why I don’t get people rage at me. It only happened once, after I ‘‘oopsed’’ someone who made an obvious misplay that made him lose instantly. He was upset.

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That is fair.
Just saying that the environment is important when evaluating the frequency of those events.
My beef is more with the other issue, which has little to do with HS-skills, anyway.

Don’t know you know this but Bee plays perfectly every game, he plays so well he is cursed forever by not knowing the common struggles of every day normal man. He doesn’t know what it is like to make mistake or to not hit legend.

He is just too good to be bothered with criticizism because he doesn’t ever make mistake. The player who added him made the mistake of talking to a god without permission.


I friend for three reasons. One is one im not proud of but ill still do it until bliz fixes the casual experience; if you play a tier 1 netdeck, aggro especially, in casual ill rope you to stall your gold gain and then friend to ask you why not just go to ranked. “Youre just salty” “nah, just super curious why youre a coward”.

Two is if they play anything remotely fun and creative. I have a friends list packed full of folks that i love doing the 80 gold trade with. Most recent one was a warlock suicide deck to see who could kill themselves quicker.

And last one is pertinent to your kinda douchey move; if i see someone playing classic set (yeti and senjin, etc) and making a lot of misplays ill friend them and ask if they are new (after making sure to concede so they get another tic closer to 10 gold). If so ill ask if they want any advice and then, and only then, will i throw out some suggestions. Ill also keep em around for 80 gold trades cause they prolly appreciate it. Im talking coin archer to face type of plays.

Nice post, especially after I stated that I don’t play perfect all the time.

When I misplay, it’s not something my opponent can usually see.

Don’t go that far.
He does derail things occasionally.
But he is right.
The struggles of casuals are not really his priority.
Which can make things difficult when exactly those things are the topic.

But here?
He has good points, but does sometimes come off as a little too brash. Not that I am exempt from rambling on for too long, or becoming unkind when I get tilted. Or annoying some individuals because it is funny to me.

Take things with a few buckets of salt, and you will have it easier, in these forums.

I get flamed a lot when I win or lose and I don’t emote at all. I think it happens more when I play off meta decks or with many substitutions in my decks. That, and targeting the leading deck heavily with sometimes wonky tech choices is something that I think my opponents perceive as ‘getting lucky’ when it’s actually rather consistent and effective, but they have no interest in changing their plays or deck to accommodate something unusual.

Oh okay, so unforuntaly even Bee makes misplays, but when he does, no mortal men can even begin to fathom the amount of thinking that Bee spent on that play and the amount of ways he could have done better. To us commoners, we saw Bee made the best move possible, but to Bee, he/she knew he/she could have done better. A truly horrible burden for our tragic hero, he is too smart for his own good. Is it better to have wise but alone in that knowledge or to be dumb but with others like you? That it is only a question Bee could answer.

I am so sorry you have to deal with this Bee. I wish I can understand your pain.


That sums it up.

I’d say I am better than 99% of my opponents. Which is why nobody has ever added me to complain about my misplays.


Calm down.
You are wasting your time, energy and putting far too much stress on an animal, which, despite its aerodynamically inefficient design, still manages to fly and put alot of work in.
And is a good HS-player.

no, I would be playing HS if I wanted to do that

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Never about misplays, usually because im super pissed off an wanna have an argument with my opponent.

The smart ones never accept. The dumb ones accept later thinking I will forget why I added them. I would, but they usually continue to play Big Priest in casual when I spectate randomly. THEN its all hugs an compliments I promise :laughing:

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Except for the fact that I am the dumber one who does forget why I added them and the next day gives them a 80 gold quest because there’s no one else on.

I have so many random people on my friend list that I have no clue who they are, all I know is at one point in time I wanted to flame them but didn’t

Remind me to send you a friend request…

Do you fit the requirements? So far none have.

Tough standards.
I know a few who fit exactly into that category, though.

Lol and how does that coincide with your overall winrate?

I totally do, I just uninstalled an have sent a friend request via Pigeon. Should arrive in about 2 months to 13 years.

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