DK rune system kind of has no purpose anymore

As a DK player the whole rune system in place for DK, I kind of feel like it doesn’t make sense anymore simply because whenever I play as DK I literally can just find just about any card from any rune type during a match. I feel like with the way things are now perhaps the rune system first made sense when the class was first introduced, but not now. What do y’all think do you think getting rid of the rune system and just letting players put whatever DK card they want in a deck would make DK op? I personally don’t simply because so many classes have OP cards or specific strategies that I really don’t think it would change things too much.


If it wouldn’t change things much then there’s no reason to change the rune system.

which 2 rune cards you want to run on the same deck so badly you made a thread ato complain about not being able to?

Right cause you clearly know what I’m thinking when I made this. It’s actually the opposite. I was just thinking it doesn’t really make sense for that to be rune restrictions if I can just find cards that are supposedly restricted. I just think blizzard has a consistency problem when it comes to certain things and to me this is a glaring one and I wanted to see how other people felt about it.

I somewhat figured this would happen.

The rune system has a few issues with it.

The first being that they literally can’t support frost/blood/unholy equally with only 10 cards per set.

The second being that blended rune cards and decks lose the impact of triple rune cards, which have to be super strong to limit the deck build that heavily.

The third being that even if they did try to only support 1 rune per expansion, the way the devs try to power creep to displace the old decks each expansion, it kind of means that only 1 rune would be playable at a time, and 2/3 of your DK collection is basically unplayable at any given time.

So they’ve done the obvious thing: supporting primarily rainbow which basically deletes runes as anything beyond an extra “spell school” for discovery purposes.


I think the confusion here is what qualifies for a rune on a card and what qualifies it being naked like Dr. Stitch and Sew.

we cant handpick the generated cards outside the runes of our decks

we can play runed cards more consistenly by running them instead of generating them

and you know this

Either give the players a 4th rune slot or scrap it on cards and let the runes build the hero power.

Still doesn’t address what I said in my response. And you know this.

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Finally someone said it.

It only makes the game harder to design and to deckbuild, and as the time passes by it only becomes futile as more and more cards lose their restrictions.


The problem with Runes, as I see it, is that DK doesn’t get extra cards due to the limitation, so you’re really only getting one or two archetypes being supported. Currently, that’s Unholy and Rainbow. Triple blood is terrible, even with them adding a payoff card back into standard, same for triple frost and triple unholy. As someone said above, this leads to them power-creeping strong decks with even stronger pay off cards.

So I agree with your premise, but not how you arrived at it. You seem to have more of an issue with Discover, something they already limited for DK by blocking 3 rune cards. Discover is it’s own Pandora’s Box of issues, of which I have many, but that’s not the issue here.

As to your second part, it would be bad for the health of the game to lift rune restrictions. The three of them serve separate deck niches, and allowing you to combine them would create issues, especially as more cards are added over time.

Oh mate, how right you are. I wholeheartedly agree with your points.

Maining DK for last two years Runes seem like a fine idea on paper. In practice they are uneccessary limitation with no benefit.

it’d make more sense to place deck building restrictions on the other classes to make them closer to the DK’s restrictions, as well as in line with how one chooses a spec in their class in WoW. Not so much shadow spells in a holy priest deck, not as much fire in a frost mage deck, that sort of idea, or something like it. Im not advocating for straight divisions of the different specs/spell schools so to speak, but more of a deck building restriction to say, for example, not end up seeing flamestrike as well as them having Blizzard… that kinda thing like how DK cant have triple blood and triple frost cards in the same deck. But a Fireblast and a Frostbolt would be perfectly legal just like there are DK cards that only require 1 rune of a given color. That kinda theme.

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just make it into 3 classes,
blood->blood mage
with this the cards can have some sense, now frost cards have frost to avoid combos…

I’m completely down for such an ideal however I know for a fact that blizzard has a consistency problem and it would crumble instantly