DK goes way too far

Are you referencing wild? Looking at the standard meta on HSReplay, I don’t see a slot slot machine mage. Do you mean Big Spell Mage? I don’t find BSM to be a slot machine deck, aside from Rune of the Archmage (which needs to die IMO). I realize there’s also Drakefire Amulet, but I don’t find that to mean the class is an RNG fiesta.

Admittedly, I may be looking at this the wrong way.

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We did? I’m sure there was some kind mana reduction or other spell-spam synergy involved. Probably some kind of OTK, those get a lot of complaints.

I think the most major thing that Horn enables is Brann + Astalor. If Fake Flame Waker was more like Mage Flame Waker I’m sure that there would be a lot more complaints about Horn.

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exactly. both of these need to be flushed.

Mana biscuit. Not sure where you were for that card.

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Frost DK, the deck you are complaining about, has no rush.

It also has no heal

This isnt even a type of effect, its just 2 extremely common keywords on a single card.

You are literally describing 3 different decks as 1 deck.

tbh I could do this with any deck if we are just listing generic card effects. Secret Mage for example has Counter a minion, Counter a spell, draw, hero power buff, AOE, Discover, Card reductions in hand, A hero card, etc.


I just faced the deck I’m describing twice.

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It did. That level of burn power really just made the game horribly unfun for a lot of people. It’s also a very minor nerf to a card that is pushed so hard.


What rush and heal are you talking about then? What are the names of the cards?

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I cannot say I disagree! I, too, despise these two cards. Well, mostly Rune, but Drakfire is also a gamble.


Well, as (I believe) someone above said, players hate OTKs, especially when it is burn, because it can shoot over minions. Frost also has many freeze effects, which players also hate. However, there are an abundance of players that truly enjoy playing these type of burn decks. Which players’ fun is more important?

uh frost dk cant run blood cards

and permament cost reductions ? which cards are you talking about?

The first group, they’re not ruining other people’s play experience and rendering the game non-interactive. Also other frost DK decks could emerge. Frost DK actually has a lot of good aggro tools if the game can become more board-based.

Frost DK can still be viable without being oppressively powerful too, the deck is probably still very good and has good reach.

But Frost DK at a certain power level just locks a lot of deck archetypes out of the meta.

Runeforging, draw a weapon and reduce cost by 1 if spending a corpse.

Rimefang Sword, reduce cost by 1 for a spell on swing.

Neither were run in refined Frost DK lists. Maybe in low ranks people still play the weapon. :man_shrugging:

I would argue that mana biscuit in APM mage was strictly the better card than horn is for DK. You would often get 2 activations of flamewaker instead of one. Frost DK is probably slightly less powerful than APM mage was and I played both decks extensively. My list of APM mage would often ice block 3 turns in a row, people started to run certain cards to counter it, but I’d argue that having ice block up for 3 turns in a row is potentially more useful than freezing the enemies board and spawning a 5/5. Mage also had more freezes built into that deck because the freeze spell had twin spell on it, it also had an ice lance that was 1 mana deal 4 damage to a frozen target and 1 mana to kill a frozen target so cheap ways to clear the board to open up for flamewaker to get as much 2 damage pings into the enemies face whereas the DK version can only do one damage per spell to face. Let’s be real also filling your hand with spells strictly seemed better than copying your freeze spells with deathwhisper and the Naga that gives you 3 spells back was so easy to give you back 5 activations of a spell or that third ice block. The only thing is that APM mage was slightly harder to play, but its ceiling was enormous.

Now it is at best 2 mana to deal 4 damage and +1 to face with the minion in its most likely scenario, discovering a spell that costs 2 less to play is still solid but it relies on an undead dying so you have to take an unfavorable trade often just to activate it. Freezing the board with minions might be a good strat going forward but the minions kind of suck right now.

You can’t really complain about this deck if you are playing the BSM ping type deck that everyone is playing, that deck is the nuts, it really does everything, cheats out about 10 mana on several cards, it is also far stronger than the Frost DK.

I don’t play the deck. I play secret and burn. A thoroughly mediocre deck.
I loathe amulet and rune both, and I refuse to play the deck. Just more Team 5 slot machine crap.
I prefer far more straight forward decks. Simple and direct. that’s me.
DK irks me because it rarely burns out the way face/aggro decks are supposed to be susceptible to.
Team 5 gives decks (like this one) and classes too many tools these days.
Burn decks don’t run out of steam.
Stall decks aren’t too slow to prevent burn, etc.
Team 5 has destroyed every bit of strategy in favor of glorified draw contests.

You can’t force an archetype like secrets burn and expect it to be strong or contend with with the 5th best deck in the meta. There is the kind of homebrewing where you try and play around with cards that have been underutilized, but this isn’t really like that, you can see at face value that there is not enough support for that kind of playstyle in mage and there are a lot of people who never want to see secrets mage again. Probably play it in wild, I fully expect they will nerf that deck to the ground if they ever do more balancing for wild, it’s probably the least interactive deck in wild just simply because there are too many secrets now.

I don’t expect anything, other than for Team 5 to implement real restrictions on archetepyes again.
This game started out being about strengths and weaknesses.
Now it’s just draw dictated fiesta vomit.

But; since you mentioned it, and just as an aside:
Why print secrets, or anything else, if you have no intentions of supporting the cards you print?
NVM. I already know the answer. Greed

The draw feels actually toned back at the moment, if 3 mana 2/2 battlecry deathrattle draw a card is your gold standard for drawing then it’s not quite as good as the naga for mage was, one of the last few cards I actually crafted. The game is not necessarily in a good state in my opinion, but we don’t really agree on why and you are making the game out like it is unplayable when I feel like it is just because you are miserable playing a deck that isn’t supposed to be a thing.

They printed new secrets this expansion, Warden.
Once again they printed a partial deck and left it crippled,
as the deck has terrible draw.
It’s not a new thing.
But that says nothing about DK, which tends to have effects from multiple other classes.
For me, it’s just another example of making a class when there is no room for a new class.
Ben Brode was absolutely right.
Making new classes has destroyed the symmetry of the game, and choked out all design space.

I fail to see what this has to do with mage specifically.

At any rate, DK is (still) mid-tier two. I know that you’re not complaining about its place in the meta, but rather what it is capable of doing. You are correct in that the class is very versatile, although (again), this versatility is not problematic because it isn’t pushing the class to the top of the meta (IMO).

To be honest, I am enjoying the game right now. I know many players here hate to read that someone is having fun, so, shoot me. Class bleed, which I know you despise, is not ruining it for me. You are correct that class bleed is very prevalent in Hearthstone, and has been for quite some time. However, I do not believe, in terms of fun, that this fact is has to be detrimental.

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It doesn’t. Someone else tried to sidebar by criticizing my deck choices.

Yes, it is, and there might as well not be any classes if every single one is capable of everything.

opinions vary:)

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