DK freezing face without Quarzite Crusher

Just played a game where I played warrior vs dk and my opponent froze my face 4 turns in a row without any affect that does so. I don’t have an earlier screenshot but after my opponent shuffled a frost plague into my deck from their 1 mana weapon, they froze my face that turn and every turn after despite only still having the same weapon. Anyone else experience this? I have a screenshot I just can’t post an imgur link


Its a bug, they will fix it soon for sure :upside_down_face:

No point to ladder until hotfix :frowning:

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Got this too. Was playing a plague DK mirror. Didn’t happen at the start, but my opponent discovered a staff of the primus with runes of darkness, and after that both of us were able to freeze with hero attacks.

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Happened to me in Arena while I was playing against a DK. I would link to the hsreplay game but links aren’t allowed so I’ll explain what happened to me:

  1. DK played Quartzite Crusher.
  2. DK played Headless Horseman with Quartzite Crusher equipped and drew the head the turn after.
  3. DK finished the weapon charges and equipped an Arcanite Ripper 6 turns later.
  4. DK attacked my face with the Arcanite Ripper, freezing my face, rendering me, a DH, useless.

I’ve got the same issue on Arena with oppo dk playing libram of judgment and freezing me for 3 turns in a raw. The most disappointing part is that I had quartzite crusher in my hand and would be able to freeze them for those 3 turns if not that bug. Would like to get my refund from blizz btw. :slight_smile:

Ran into 3 dks this morning that are clearly abusing this bug. Mulligan for Runes of Darkness to discover Staff of the Primus (on turn 1 without corpses).

Please fix this.

Same happened to me …

please fix this bug omg