Disconnect Issues

Over the past few weeks, I have been experiencing a lot of desync and disconnect issues. I have seen across multiple modes, mainly playing ranked standard and battlegrounds. Normally it happens mid-animation (attack or play) and I can still see my opponent’s card hovers. I can also still interact with the board for about 15-20 seconds before finally getting the reconnect prompt. If it happens on my turn, I have noticed I’m still able to complete actions such as attacks and hero powers, but it doesn’t show it happening or animate. Once the reconnect prompt finishes or I restart, the actions did complete though. I am hoping to record a clip of it next time it happens. Until the reconnect prompt shows, it acts similar to other desync issues in the past, such as floating card or Nellie from last year. This will typically happen multiple times a play session, every 3-4 games or sometimes more often.

All of this has been on PC over wifi. I have not played much on mobile, but did not notice any issues in the short time I played on my phone over the same wifi. I play only on Americas. I’ve already done most of the general reconnect issue troubleshooting (network devices, DNS, even reinstalled). I’d be happy to provide more information as needed.


Hey there,

It sounds like your connection is being interrupted partially and that is causing the desync. This forum post has more information about this type of desync in Hearthstone.

If possible try swapping to a direct wired connection to your router, to rule out any wi-fi issues that might be causing it. If it’s still happening after using an ethernet connection it may be an issue with your router or internet provider. You may try testing an alternate connection, such as a mobile data hotspot or VPN temporarily, to see if the issue stops.

Hearthstone Disconnection Problems on Desktop or Laptop

yessss I’ve been facing this more recently. Everytime this happens I never get to reconnect ASAP hence I lost the game (and MMR of course!!!)

This should be only on my side and not on the opponents, because I once got 5th place when there was 8 people in game when I was forcibly quitted from the game.

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there’s a reason why router is needed. If I am to resort to wired connection then what for I paid for the wifi router and insatllation.

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I tried the solutions I was able to over the weekend and still had the same number of disconnects. My mobile data is not good enough where I live to try a hot spot. When I play on my phone over wi-fi though, I still have not had any disconnects or desyncs, only on PC.

The only common factor I have noticed with the desync is that it typically happens when a minion attacks another minion. Playing battlegrounds today I had no issues during the shop phase, but had it happen multiple times during combat when minions attacked. I recorded the clips, but there were not any similar situations (same minion, keywords, golden vs non-golden, etc) that I noticed as a potential cause. Same with standard- nothing that’s the same to pinpoint it down like Nellie last year.


What is wrong with Hearthstone? I kept getting disconnected from the application on my Samsung Galaxy A14. My internet connection looks fine, I think Blizzard needs to update this piece of Hearthstone, and stop asking us to troubleshoot it ourselves. I am tired of restarting the app just to play some Hearthstone, I might as well uninstall it, if this problem persists.


It’s been absolutely pathetic for the last month. The most important skill is recognizing a d/c before the game so you can close the program and restart before missing (more than) a turn. Blizzard games are the only ones that have had these issues…


I can’t get Original Nemsy hero skin by Fireside Gathering, even though I played along Blizzard’s notice about Nemsy acquisition conditon. What’s wrong? Fireside Gathering with established tavern, Brawl mode, 3 people or more. Anything else? Or It is blocked? PLEASE reply!

I’ve been experiencing the same thing.
Played this game for over 7 years yet this is the first time I’m having this issue,
many times I will be in a game and I will disconnect but will be given no warning or alert, it will appear as if my opponent is AFK, but then the timer will either not show up or if it does it won’t go to the next round.
By the time I’ve realised this I will have missed 1 or 2 goes resulting in me losing.
This will happen multiple times in a game and it’s happening 4/5 games that I play It’s not fair, most of the games I lose are due to these. Now I have to force quit the game whenever the opponent shows signs of taking long just to make sure.
This isn’t just me experiencing this I have read many other things like this over the last few months, I have never experienced this before and it’s making the game unplayable.

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I have had the same problem, I am direct connected, this is not my internet. I don’t have this issue in any other game. It started happening the day the Unity upgrade for hearthstone became live, and has been happening off and on since. I may have rarely seen a disconnect before, but if I did, it would reconnect by itself. Now it just sits there indefinitely with my BG minion trying to attack theirs.

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They really need to fix those damn servers. It dc on me while on ancestral nm dungeon no deaths n one step away from boss n server fn crashes. That’s bs n I want my damn rewards n I have the pic too

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When will someone realise that so many people are saying the same thing? It’s not the internet connection, it’s Hearthstone?

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Using a direct connection on Desktop here, been having the same issue. Constant Discons/Recons in BG’s. Getting really frustrating and of course, Blizz says “Its your internet”, “It your Router”. No it isnt, this is not just a single person or single device type. This is the BG’s Current Status and if Blizz is trying to force people into other modes (Don’t see it happening in Constructed) they are going to lose a LOT of players. They need to get on top of this, its been well over a month of this crap.


It’s been longer than a month. They have more important things to do first. Like making new modes for a cash grab and that mode will die off. And selling power crept cards that they will nerf a month later.

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I have the same problem, disconnecting in the middle of the game… it is happening more than one month.

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I have tried repairing, reinstalling HS, reinstalling Windows and every other trouble shooting step I could find but its still happening. Wondering if its possibly location based? I’m located in the north east of Canada, can we PLEASE get someone on top of this! Thank you!

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yeah , the data will travel from you to the blizz server and so there are different “routes/paths” and reasons ( misconfigured routers on the route/path , anti-ddos filters that hit good users , old/wrong dns entries, etc )
So can be blizzard , can be your provider , or everything between them .

yesterday i was unable to play on america server from europe , but europe to europe was working , today america server works again.

in the past they used methods like pathping , traceroute and winMTR to track them
https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/27780 ( dont try this , 3rd part program seems very old )
but players need a bit of pc knowledge to use them … and require a bit of text edit if you dont want to post your ip to everyone in the forums

Same ole crap. Losing games due to DC BS. Fix your fkin game.


No issues connecting to the game or with any other Non-Blizzard Games. Getting random HUGE lag spikes in D4 now as well, not sure if thats a piss poor coding job for D4 (Seems to have its own issues anyway) or if HS/D4 are on the same Servers, wouldnt surprise me in the least.

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Can we please get an update? Seriously, this is getting pathetic.