Dirty rat for spells (in standard)

I’ve talked about this before, but now that mage has become the dominant pick, I feel like it’s a great time to bring it up again. There needs to be a dirty rat for spells in standard.

I hate that I have to keep saying for standard but I just know there’s going to be people trying to tell me every wild card that can do what I described, and I don’t care about wild.

It would be a double edged sword because you would force your opponent to cast a spell (so if it can be used properly it would just be wasted, however it if has a powerful effect, well you’re just screwed lol.) Either way let me play Russian roulette with people’s spells already :joy:

There are adjacent things. Secrets that nerf them or put them back or counter them (it exists in Standard as a discover etc.). You can use minions that nerf their mana for spells etc.

Secrets suck (no offense to people who play secrets) plus they are dependent on your opponent and most people know how to work around them. I want something like dirty rat which I can use on my turn to force cast a spell

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You might like the tech cards some handbuff paladins are running. One is raising the costs of all spells that didn’t start in their deck by two for example; that’s often lethal against certain decks that only generate spells; but tech cards are sketchy because if the opponent has no spells it’s a total dud.

Maybe it makes sense for slow control decks only.

Yeah, I’ve been saying I want slower and smaller but more thoughtful and meaningful turns, and more hand disruption, or bringing mill back.

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Wouldn’t that just be: “burn a spell”?
So mill, but for spells only?

There used to be one, it was rarely ever used. Even the warrior one that discarded at the end of each turn was mediocre.

Also, you really wouldn’t want to use a dirty rat for spells against big spell mage.

Really, really, REALLY wouldn’t want to do that.

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Yes you would if said spell was discarded and not cast.

However it would still be pointless since mages always hold the snake oil generated turn 2 from the snake oil 1 drop and discard that instead

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I originally said force cast a spell, but honestly burn a spell might be better. And as someone pointed out, warrior used to have such a card, but it was too costly and rarely survived more than one turn.

Perhaps like a single use neutral 3 cost battle cry minion that burns a random spell in your opponent’s hand wouldn’t be too op

Does it need to be on a stick? Spell casters don’t
get counters as minions. Both Obj and CS are just spells with no body.