Did you dust Astalor?

Not great, Warrior has a lot of disparate but interconnected stuff going on so the decks are hard to build effectively.

I wanna make something with weapons, but it’s hard to figure out whether that’s a control deck or a tempo deck or what. I think there’s potential, but it’s just hard to break the list.

Not yet, I will take a bit to see if he’s good and dust him before the refund period is over

I decided to dust, though if I was still playing standard I’d probably hold onto it.

I think mostly the best uses for this card are unnaffected like brann + astalor might turn up in wild decks even after brann rotates out.

There is nothing stopping me from recrafting this card in the future, but I don’t see myself using it over the next year because I will be playing classic and it’s likely I’d take a long break from the game after that so we will see what 2 years of powercreep can do and at that point whether or not Astalor is a good card.

I just crafted 6 classic legendaries and that leaves me with about 5k dust left, every viable deck in classic.

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Astalor is just a good card. It’s no Zeph as far as Neutral leggos go, but it does enough throughout each plateau of a game to justify inclusion if there is a free spot.

Ramp Druid still likes this card very much

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I dusted him, like all nerfed cards.
Is no reason to not to.

If i need him again later ? can just recraft and not have lost anything.
If card is nerfed and i dont dust it, and then dont actully need/play it anymore then ive lost out on dust.

And i dont play much standard atm either way

Well, to dust after a nerf is free, and since I don’t use that card, I’d be silly if don’t dust it. lol

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Nope, Astalor is still strong.

Didnt dust Alstalor but i did dust the quest. I crafted that on day 1 and never used it…

I just reread the title accidentally as “Did you just Astalor?”

and it made me think what that would look like…like duuuuuuuude…did you just Astalor your load?

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Ofc kept. It’s still amazing. And it’s here to stay for a loong time.