Did not recieve the Tavern pass I paid for

Bought the tavern pass and it did not unlock on the rewards track. Tried to repurchase it thinking the transaction did not go through, but the client says I already own it. I have a screen shot if needed. Now my rewards track is stuck.

What do I have to do to get this resolved? I am considering just quitting over this as it seems I paid 20 bucks for nothing. This happened with the Arthas Hero Portrait as well and that was also never resolved.

Also there are seemingly random cards that are missing from my collection.

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I have the same problem, i hope it will unlock. Otherwise I’m done with spending :moneybag: on this game


Same here man… I hope they will fix this, its also my first time paying for heartstone, so thats not the best begin…


did you buy the bg track or the hearthstone track?

I have the same problem. I bought Tavern Pass on Android phone. I see the purchase in Google Play but it isn’t active in game.
I submitted a ticket but they answered that they don’t see the purchase for my account and suggested that I go to Google support if the purchase doesn’t go through within 72 hours.
That is weird because when I bought Tavern pass the same way previously it became active instantly.


it is the tavern pass bundle for the standard rewards track. (Not Battle Grounds) and I bought it on an android mobile device. Could this be a problem with mobile specifically?

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I bought the Tavern Pass on Android and it is not activating. Not even the 10% bonus at tier 1. Attempting to purchase it again brings up a message that I already own the Tavern Pass so it is definitely a problem within Blizzard. Google Play confirms the pass was purchased and payment was deducted from my account.