Diablo is gone, it's Sneed's turn

Get that garbage out of the BG. How to get top 4 with Sneed: Get to 5, spam your hero power on the first 5 drop you get; go afk, because for the next 3 rounds you hit people for 15+; profit.

Everyone else’s end game comp: insert 4-6 must-have minions here

Sneed’s end game: Baron Rivendare.

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Sneeds is kinda overpowered actually.

You can sustain your early literally with a tier 1 minion and hero Power If you want.

That makes upgrading tier like crazy a real strategy because when the First minion dies It gonna explode into an actual board.

But it’s easy to nerf. Just make the hero Power cost 2.


I have never been offered Sneed. It has been at least 50 games

Herein lies the challenge at higher MMO–getting to 5 lol. In my experience Sneed is pretty scummy because you can get knocked out lightning quick as the game progresses, but Sneed I often see is himself knocked out pretty frequently before he gets to Tier 5.

He plays pretty similarly to other late game strategies like Reno, Toki, Galakrond, etc. IF you can survive until late, you have a pretty powerful hero power; getting there is an entirely other issue.

I agree though that from a player experience perspective, I would like to see fewer RNG death rattle stuff like Sneed, Ghastcoiler, Tide Razor because it feels pretty crappy to clear a board and then somehow take more damage than the board you killed.


They said at one point they were looking at making all token/summon damage count for 1. I think that would be a big improvement.

Also, now that they have so many permanent effects that trigger off of combat (avenge, etc) they need to rethink how the ghost works.

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I’ve gotten top 2 every game of Sneed I’ve played. His hero power is extremely scummy and can lead to you highrolling 20-30 points of damage fairly early on to the mid-game.

He’s by no means “a late game strategy hero”, he’s solid early, good mid-game and superb later on.

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Yea this is a super anecdotal argument tho. I’m not at all disputing that Sneed is scummy because he absolutely CAN (and I pointed out above this fact) hit people out of the game the minute the damage cap falls. He also can just like…die because his hero power doesn’t always get you there. I stand by what I’ve said above.