DH Need To Be REALLY Nerfed

People continuously say that Pure Paladin is the counter to this class. While I do well with it against them, it still feels like you beat a raid boss when you beat them.

They have ways to get through every 8/8 divine shield taunt minion, 6/6 taunt, etc. There is no punishment for using their face because they can go immune and have massive healing. They have unlimited draw. Seriously, they can get down to 4 cards left when I still have 18 left in my deck if they want to. They have mass removal with no downside. They can cheat out 6/6s with Rush incredibly easy. They have early game minions, late game minions. There is literally zero weakness.

I seriously wish they would delete this class altogether. The game was so much better without DH. While I know that will never happen, they need to at minimum nerf about 10 different cards of theirs into the ground. Then that might bring them down to Tier 2. I was at Rank 1 with 3 stars on 3 separate occasions last night and all three times lost to a DH who got through all my taunt and where I didn’t have enough healing even with all that Pure Paladin runs. It’s a joke. Fix your freaking game Blizzard.

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its almost like this was a problem in rouge 3 years ago, and it was so hated they changed it even though rouge didnt have a top tier meta deck…

Pure Paladin is great vs Soul DH but struggles against aggro if you don’t draw the absolute perfect cards to make some minions stick early, even then, like you said it feels extremely difficult to win.

I’m with the guy that says the lifesteal weapon is busted. I dont think any other class can do a 22 hitpoint swing (deal 11, heal 11) with such ease. Add onto that being able to draw most of their deck usually at a reduced cost and theres really no “but they need to have the card combo” argument. They might as well have given all the shaman weapon buff stuff to DH since they do it better than shaman anyway.

Ok, I am done, after so many years I finally will unninstall HS, the game I like so much, because I can’t stand so many games (6 in a row last time I played) vs the same freaking BS class.

That is just sad for me. :frowning:

Like I said.

You like games to be decided from the start?

Be as radical as it should not have X at all is what creates it.

It’s not rocket science to understand why.

Solve one problem to create another isn’t fun for any player and it not matters how much something is overpowered.
You really not create a better experience this way at best you put your problems under the carpet until it rises again.

And mage has “healing” enough if people really want it.
There are literally 2 cards giving 8 armor each that are even a little more healing than the class should have.

If the problem of any mage deck was healing it would literally be solved by that but we know that it isn’t.

What I hope is that blizzard threw that “class identity” text they done past year by the window and make things slightly more complex.

Not only for demon hunter but for every class so players play the cards and not the other way.

Ice Armor is not healing. Show me where Ice armor says heal on the card.

considering Soul DH has 42 damage from swinging, Not including the use of its hero power, 2 secrets that give a total of 16 armor doesn’t mean anything. If mage draws and plays both secrets, that puts their HP total at 46, Now add on any damage from, attacking minions, glaivebound adept, kayn, and the hero power, mage is long dead.

They gave DH everything. I cant think of one weakness DH has. First to fatigue I guess?

Defined strength and weakness won’t define a match from the start dude.
There’s 60 whole cards in play there that can be tweaked to give each class a fighting chance. That’s a lot of knobs to turn. But they are a necessary part of the meta game.

Hunters should punish Heal-less classes, and in turn should be punished by heal-able classes that in turn should be punishable by class capable of bringing high direct damage down.

A healthy meta is solely based on classes and archetypes exploiting and having their weakness exploited. How much is up to the Balance Team.

But when you create a class without a significant weakness they will necessarily skew things. DH has done that since forever, and any game with a competitive meta will tell you that needs changing or things will crumble.

I played way too many games to not recognize that problem when i see it, YET AGAIN.

Just no.

No one should be punished solely based on the class they’re playing.

People should be punished by card choices,deck choices but never by class choice.
It’s just a little too much of you consider how much cards and strategies “a class” means.

One example:
By being punished for playing mage you’re telling that people should be punished for play:

Secret mage, cyclone mage, spell mage and that only talking about decks of this rotation otherwise that list would go over 20 deck archtypes.

It’s fine to punish someone for not putting healing in their decks IF you actually give people the option to put healing.
Otherwise it isn’t.

If they wanted this game to be about skill, they would make up some mode where a player has to play as more than one class. A person would need more than one deck to play the mode, and the opponent gets to ban a class of his or her choice before the match. It would be nice if there was a format like this. Oh, wait …

Can’t wait for Cyberpunk to come out. So I can delete this game. EVERY single game in diamond is against aggro brainless decks. If it’s not DH, it’s hunter. That is SO op now that you can be highlander and still aggro.

They could make it “three random enemy minions attack your hero”. That way it would have a hefty HP cost, but the DH could still hit face after. The Lifesteal weapon, Blur, and Relentless Pursuit would mitigate the damage some, making it pretty balanced.

the class can aggro, heal , remove / control , silence and control ALL with the same deck list.

Perfectly “balanced”

Turn 5, spend 5 manas, give 10 damage to face and kill 3 minions at the same time, one of them a big Edwin is insane, anyone don’t see a problem with DH is who don’t want to lose the free wins against people don’t like to play with the class, don’t want to lose their cheat engine and have to think and actually manage resources wisely to play, it is much more easier just draw the entire deck with insanely undercosted cards instead.