DH aggro deck variant w/ stats, card thoughts, post nerf theory


I recently reached D5. It is the highest rank that I have attained. As such, this thread was not written for diamond+ players, but for those who want ideas to get past a difficult portion of the standard ranked ladder below diamond. More so, the coming nerf and priest-pocolypse will probably force changes, so here is a nerf-eve effort to help dedicated DH players get to D5 beforehand.

DISCLAIMER: Decks meant to counter DH will react to changes rather quickly, especially after the nerfs, since players will be anticipating power shifts. Therefore, all deck information here should be viewed as time sensitive.


Netdecking is not my thing. Sure, netdecks were proven by someone somewhere sometime, but I prefer to believe that there is always a better combination waiting to be discovered. Maybe it is merely better for my matchups. Maybe it is better for a pocket meta. Maybe it is better versus Priest. Winning matches is not all that makes me feel a sense of victory. Proving the superior value of what others overlooked or rejected is a skillful win well worth the time.

In addition, my collection is usually missing expensive cards. I am mostly a free-to-play player. Not just because it is free, but because earning cards and facing the greater challenge feels more rewarding. Near the middle of June I made a thread about a DH deck that did not use [Battlefiend], [Satyr Overseer], [Altruis the Outcast], and [Metamorphosis]. Some were probably in disbelief that it could survive without those staple cards. True, it was not a diamond capable deck. It quickly climbed to P5 where it hit the wall. It wrecked the class mirror matchup, but was too weak against Mage. What it did include: [Guardian Augmerchant], [Amani Berserker], [Bonechewer Brawler]; has grown in popularity even for netdecks and for professional players. I expect the same for cards in the deck presented here.

I felt stuck at P5. I made several decks as themes or variants of netdecks or the one mentioned above. All were beaten to the floor. P1 was reached a couple times. The deck above was actually one game away from diamond. The problem was eluding me. The effect of the coming nerfs worried me. Not because of the nerfs, but because of an expectation that Mages and Priests will inundate. Thus came the motivation for this deck. Considering different flavors of Warlock decks actually helped to change my perception about some neutral cards, making them seem viable for DH to counter Mage and Priest.


Before detailing the deck, results will show why this deck should matter to readers.


Record Change% Cumulative Record Change%
P10-D10 54:42 (56%) - 54:42 (56%) -
D10-D5 15:7 (68%) +11.9% 69:49 (59%) +2.2%

Within the climb to D10 there were five changes to the starting deck. The stats were initially recorded every 20 games to alert to significant competitive decline. What is not shown in the table above is the 25% winrate decline between P6 and P3, followed by a 15% decline between P3 and P1; revisions, not the final version. The fifth revision broke through into diamond with a six game win streak. It went on to D5 fairly quick.

Here are the per class matchup results. “Proportion” is a percent of all matches, so it is a match encounter rate.

Proportion Record
D. Hunter 17% 9:11 (45%)
Druid 11% 9:4 (69%)
Hunter 10% 8:4 (67%)
Mage 13% 8:7 (53%)
Paladin 9% 7:4 (64%)
Priest 14% 10:7 (59%)
Rogue 11% 8:5 (62%)
Shaman 1% 0:1 (0%)
Warlock 8% 5:5 (50%)
Warrior 5% 5:1 (83%)

I had doubt about this cheap DH deck working in the wild format. I do not play wild normally, because all of the reasons for taking breaks from Hearthstone still exist there. The goal was to test up to platinum, but nah. Done with wild for now. Sorry. Stopped at G10.


Record Change% Cumulative Record Change%
B10-S10 15:2 (88%) - 15:2 (88%) -
S10-S5 11:3 (79%) -9.6% 26:5 (83%) -4.3%
S5-G10 14:5 (74%) -4.9% 40:10 (80%) -3.9%

Class matchup results.

Proportion Record
D. Hunter 4% 1:1 (50%)
Druid 4% 2:0 (100%)
Hunter 4% 2:0 (100%)
Mage 20% 9:1 (90%)
Paladin 6% 2:1 (67%)
Priest 22% 11:1 (92%)
Rogue 6% 1:2 (33%)
Shaman 8% 3:1 (75%)
Warlock 12% 5:1 (83%)
Warrior 12% 4:2 (67%)


20-07 New Tempo : Demon Hunter : Standard : Year of the Phoenix

What this deck will lose against:

  • DH Initiate with perfect draw
  • Rogue Galakrond on curve
  • Shaman battlecry
  • Warlock Galakrond on curve
  • wild, Mage Yogg Saron, if Yogg played, beware secrets delay
  • wild, Warrior Dr. Boom, overly engineered as normal
  • wild, Warrior taunt, better than standard

Let’s talk about cards.

Deck core cards; never changed during revisions

  • 2x (1) Battlefiend
  • 2x (1) Crimson Sigil Runner
  • 2x (1) Shadowhoof Slayer
  • 2x (1) Twin Slice
  • 2x (2) Chaos Strike
  • 2x (2) Kobold Sandtrooper
  • 1x (4) Kayn Sunfury
  • 2x (5) Glaivebound Adept
  • 1x (5) Warglaives of Azzinoth

Cards removed but readded. Consider them core too.

  • 2x (1) Consume Magic
  • 1x (5) Warglaives of Azzinoth (who’da thunk? Cost raise to 6 will hurt)

Card replacements that passed the trial.

  • 2x (2) Faerie Dragon (replaced Amani Berserker)
  • 2x (2) Umberwing (replaced Imprisoned Vilefiend, removed, added again)
  • 2x (3) Eye Beam (replaced Aldrachi Warblades)
  • 2x (3) Fire Hawk (replaced Raging Worgen)
  • 2x (3) Satyr Overseer (replaced Burrowing Scorpid that replaced Furious Felfin)
  • 1x (4) Evasive Feywing (replaced Shattered Sun Cleric that replaced Cobalt Spellkin)


You might have noticed that class defining cards are missing; [Altruis the Outcast], [Metamorphosis], [Skull of Gul’dan]. Also, there is no [Frozen Shadoweaver] for the class mirror match. Ouch! This deck was built for speed and as an anticaster. Anything slow needed to go. Anything that could hold tempo through removal needed to be added. The filter is that this in an aggro deck. It shouldn’t exist past turn 10. It needs only enough draw to get the early wins, and the cards that draw needed to not steal tempo. All of the cards that draw also work to maintain tempo or swing back tempo favor. As an anticaster it needed to make their strength a weakness. Aggression to the face works. Wide boards work, sort of. Untargetability works very well. Secret weapons like [Fire Hawk] work.

The best way to understand this deck build is to play it. It works because it forces the opponent to use resources against minions you have greater control of. Enemy [Frozen Shadoweaver] can be delt with by [Eye Beam]. Hold on to that precious spell. When the opponent freezes DH to prevent certain death, it is also possible to destory [Kobold Sandtrooper] with [Eye Beam] to secure the win if the opponent has no more than three health. You will learn the psychological impacts of cards and combos. It provides multiple chances for skilled played, and causes moments of laughter too.

One last mention important to some is dust value of the deck. It is 3880, but the legendary [Kayn Sunfury] is free, basically, and the four epic cards, 2x[Eye Beam] and 2x[Warglaives of Azzinoth], were easy to find in AoO packs during June.

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I think Kobold Sandtrooper is playable. Fire hawk too against certain archetypes, but I fear no minion will stick on your board, I can’t fathom how you can beat so many Priests. Face Hunter is bad vs Priest, this deck reminds me a lot of it. It has though the advantage of silence and warglaives, but the latter will be nerfed. And why the dragons? There is no synergy in DH.

(Shadowweaver is far better than Hawk in general, but I accept that you want to build a deck vs Mage and Priest.)

The same could be said about any deck that uses DH class minions. Stickiness is one of the reasons for the change to [Amani Berserker] or [Bonechewer Brawler] even in netdecks. It is the weakness of DH aggro. I agree about the risk being too much, yet DH has managed to top the charts in some sections of the ladder.

I believe it comes down to whether a DH deck intends to defend against minions or spells. The enrage minions are an attempt to do both. It is a good strategy, but it is not enough. Casters are slowly but surely taking over proportionally. They have become too skilled at dealing with the current meta. The deck presented in this thread takes the next logical step by using minions that spells cannot target. Priest still has mass dispel. Mage can still drop a rolling eight damage fireball onto nearby targetable minions. Shaman still has ridiculous ae clears. There is no spell lock ability to totally stop casters, but untargetable minions give a modicum of protection.

Glad you mentioned that. I had to edit to add one more that was not recorded by HDT. It was missing in the per class record table.

We share that concern. I hope that people who need the help will use this one day opportunity.

Faery dragon doesn’t survive any aoe, unlike Feywing. Bonechewer is really good vs Priests 2 dmg aoe. Since your concern is mainly early game, I think that buffing Bonechewers is still far more annoying than any untargetable Faery dragon.

I agree. To some degree it is counterintuitive. You would have to play the deck to learn why it works better. Because you do not need the help, I assume you won’t try the deck. You are probably satisfied with your own creations, and, if so, then that is fantastic. You should.

Although, I still want to try to communicate the lesson you would learn from playing the deck. Think of the card differences as being about the packages they belong to. Whereas [Faery Dragon] is a stand alone card for its purpose, [Bonechewer Brawler] tends to repurpose part of a deck to include [Beaming Sidekick] or activators like [Guardian Augmerchant] or [Immolation Aura]. Some decks extend the enrage package by adding [Armani Berserker]. I have a DH rage deck that also includes [Temple Berserker] and [Raging Worgen]. That 30 card capacity fills up fast.

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Perhaps you can convince me by showing some replays of your games?

I appreciate your participation in this thread. I do not want to seem dismissive, but the record shown should put to rest any doubt. Unlike theorizing about the viability of an unproven deck, this deck has 170 games. Sixty were unrevised from the start. Five revisions occurred over the coarse of thirty games. Eighty games were played with the final version. The last fifty games were a fresh test in low rank wild. There were no bonus stars for the recorded games, other than the one bonus star gained for a winning streak.

If you are interested in viewing specific plays, then you will need to be specific about what you want to observe. Which class(es)? Which outcome(s); wins or losses? By what turn? Having played which card(s)? For what rank range?

I meant no offense, it is just that I want to look at the data, your winrate does sound impressive, but it says nothing about the potential of the deck. Or in other words, maybe your opponents were drunk and played very badly because you play at 11 pm /shrug, maybe you misplayed too often. Unchecked statistics have zero validity (again no offense meant to you).
That’s why I would like you to show us some examples, archetypical even, where you think the strengh of your deck lies. Like how can your deck be better vs Priest for example than the usual Bonechewer/Armani package, example matches might showcase this (or not). Now rank doesn’t matter, just the best examples you believe it to be, win and lose.

Sure. I will find the eleven matches recorded by HDT (one is missing) that were done in low rank wild. You expressed interest in the unusually high winrate. My belief is that the Priest players are probably at a disadvantage due to poor deck construction: too era specific, nostalgia, unproven, missing synergy, etcetera. I agree with you that Priest should have been among the toughest matches. Mage also. Both had high representation. As you can see, they made up 42% of matches in wild. Such a high proportion implies that both classes are presumed to be dominant.

EDIT: per your request below here are recent standard matches instead
Match replay codes below are for use with hsreplay.
vs DH, win - 9zWHT2rf2zV6yaTrKRyYcF
vs Priest, win - 24FtKiCT9ryS2Q44qFXumM
vs Priest, loss - h6oaPJXdTM7WLjoyYpvpwf

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I would prefer standart matches if you have, I don’t play in wild at all, so no clue what the meta there is.

Alot of effort put into post. Hope it gets to the right people, and get appreciated.

Good Job. Good Luck Have Fun.

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Have you seen the new expansion leak? It’s about Scholomance Academy!

I love Scholomance! I’m excited.

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