You go and nerf the heck out of Rogue YET they are not even the best class in the Meta right now that belongs to HUNTERS and you left them alone.
I really do not get your reasoning of nerfing Rogue yet leaving Hunter all alone and IF the Rogue was as powerful as you said it was then they would be #1 not Hunters.
Hunter’s are the one that needs nerfed and I am appalled that you play this balance game with biased emotions. Please nerf Hunters as they are and have been the top Meta class not Rogue.
Rogue was as powerful as they said. The only reason Hunter was outperforming then is because Hunter beat all the Warriors that were teching so heavily against Rogue.
Not what HSReplay stated Hunter and Druid have always been #1 and #2 not Rogue. Same with other sights as well and while I am not saying they did not need a nerf I find is pathetic that they refused to nerf the top 2 classes as well.
Just because a few cards over-performed doesn’t mean they need a nerf as long as the class is still beatable (which it was). Though i have always stated prep needed a nerf that card has always been OP.
Also again not saying they didn’t need a nerf just that other classes should of been nerfed with them aka Hunter/Druid…
I do find it funny how Rogue always gets nerfed fast while all the other classes it takes forever.
They did. The top 2 classes at mid to high ranks were Rogue because it was broken and Warrior because it was literally the only counter to Rogue.
Hunter’s effectiveness came from it countering Warrior.
Other decks didn’t exist because Rogue destroyed them all.
When a deck is so powerful only one class can reasonably expect to beat it, when a deck is so good it’s still 25% of the decks on ladder despite SO MANY PEOPLE are playing its counter and teching to beat it, we have a broken deck. This was the situation prior to the Rogue nerfs. Now every class has a viable deck and the meta is diversifying quite a bit.
I’m sorry you don’t like Hunter and Druid, but despite what the sites say, they were never problem classes this format. The sites take their data from all ranks, and at low ranks Tempo Rogue players suck at playing the deck. That’s why its win rate was lower according to the sites - it was actually a difficult deck to play.
Someone playing pre nerf Tempo Rogue who was actually good at the deck was borderline unstoppable outside of the mirror and Warrior, the bad players still lost to everything
I very rarely ever lost to a Rogue over the last month. That was regardless of the deck I was playing. I lost more to Hunters and Warriors then any rogue. Sorry but I will never believe that Rogue was in a better spot then Hunter…
Let me put it this way. Pre nerf Rogue could Prep Raiding Party on 2,then coin Waggle Pick and 2 Dread Corsairs on 3. That’s a 4/2 weapon and 2 3/3 Taunts for 4 mana.
Prep Raiding Party VanCleef is possible on 3 and leaves you with a 6/6 and your Pick and two Corsairs to play on 4
The same play but with coin creates an 8/8 VanCleef on 2 and leaves you with Pick and 2 Corsairs to play on 4. Add a Backstab to clear an early minion and make your Van Cleef 10/10 instead, still on turn 2
Leeroy Pick Leeroy is 16 damage for 8 mana. Prep Myra’s into Nomi was possible as early as turn 9 and left you with 7 6/6es and 9 cards in hand. Not having a deck anymore is not enough of a downside and if the Rogue runs Shadowstep or gets a very lucky Pick Deathrattle you can have to deal with Nomi and all of his Elementals 3 times.
Lackeys are strong and Togwaggle is stronger. After Myra’s, playing Leeroy, Togwaggle’s Scheme and Wondrous Wand (always an option off Heistbaron Togwaggle) yields 24 damage for 8 mana
And in all of the Dread Corsair combos, there’s always the chance their Raiding Party only draws 1.if that’s the case, it drew Greenskin instead of the second one, which is an even worse situation for you.
Hunter was not a problem. Druid was not a problem. This was a problem