Descent of Dragons: Priest

Everyone agrees, DoD cards look pretty powerful. Priest doesn’t have the strongest looking cards out there, but I don’t see anything “Purify” tier. So let’s get on with it.

I figure there are about 4 potential archetypes out there for Priest. Galakrond Priest (not optimistic), Res Priest (semi-optimistic), Combo Priest (optimistic isn’t the right word, but it’ll probably be strong), and Mecha’thun/Nomi Priest (unlikely).

Whispers of EVIL: 0 mana, Add a lackey to your hand. It’s a 0 mana spell, it doesn’t matter what it does, it exists to be used with Gadgetzan Auctioneer. Allow me a mini-rant about Lackeys; Priest does NOT have synergy with Lackeys. At all. With all the cards revealed, it’s clear that there was never any intention to give Priest any Lackey synergy. Sure, it can make Lackeys, but it can’t do anything to generate additional utility from them. Additionally, the power cards for the class (Mass Res, Psychopomp) have anti-synergy with Lackeys. The cards that generate Lackeys aren’t good by themselves, either. I think Blizzard really dropped the ball by lumping Priest in with EVIL for flavor reasons, despite having no plans to actually make Lackeys viable in the class.

Disciple of Galakrond: 1 mana 1/2 Battlecry: Invoke. It’s a 1 mana 1/2 that adds a Priest minion to your hand and levels up Galakrond. I’m honestly skeptical about a 1/2 doing enough, but it does cycle itself for something random so it doesn’t cost you much and you were just floating that mana anyway, I guess.

Grave Rune: 4 mana spell, Give a minion Deathrattle: Summon 2 copies of this. So, I heard you like Khartut Defenders. Convincing Infiltrators. This is so good, it might finally be worth running Shadowy Figure. Seems like a solid boost to a Res Priest archetype.

Breath of the Infinite: 3 mana spell, Deal 2 damage to all minions. If you’re holding a Dragon, only damage enemies. Potentially asymmetrical clear, that’s an odd one for Priest. The immediate trend is toward Galakrond/Dragons, but more aoe makes those Auctioneer decks more appealing as well. Hurting your own guys is actually a bonus to Quest Priest, potentially. If 2 damage is enough to kill stuff, it’ll see play. Priest does have less synergy with cards that have damage numbers on them compared to other classes, since most of it’s removal doesn’t care about health.

Chronobreaker: 5 mana Dragon 4/5 Deathrattle: If you’re holding a Dragon, deal 3 damage to all enemy minions. More asymmetrical clear. I do like this card, but it really needs taunt if it’s going to be a deathrattle. Pretty expensive for Reckless Experimenter shenanigans. But at the same time, I can see a meta where opponents will go out of their way to kill it on curve, if Grave Runes has a significant presence. You ignore it a turn, it becomes a slow 9 mana aoe? That’s rough. Shame you can’t play Reckless, Chronobreaker, and Grave Runes in a single turn. Or can you, Fate Weaver? There’s also the ability to play Reckless, this card, and Shadowy Figure for 9 mana and 6 damage aoe. It’s not like minions will be in short supply in a Galakrond Priest deck.

Time Rip: 5 mana spell, Destroy a minion and Invoke. 4 attack minions are no longer safe from us. Memes aside, seems good.

Envoy of Lazul: 2 mana 2/2 Battlecry: Look at 3 cards. Guess which one is in your opponent’s hand to get a copy of it. Oof. You know, it was actually possible to guess wrong with Curious Glimmerroot, though rare. This one? Picking from three cards that are definitely in your opponent’s deck, and trying to figure out which one is in their hand? That’s going to be much harder, it’s going to fail more often. I’m skeptical that it’ll be any good, and that’s before we get into how this card doesn’t fit into the currently more competitive archetypes. You don’t want it with Mass Res, you don’t want it with Psychopomp. It’s Galakrond or bust.

Fate Weaver: 4 mana 3/6 Dragon Battlecry: If you’ve Invoked twice, reduce the cost of cards in your hand by (1). Really good, even if you’re just trying to make the random Priest minions from Galakrond’s hero power into something playable. You might think Nomi/Mecha’thun, but you’re going to fill your hand quickly if you’re invoking and your goal is to draw the combo and a full hand gets in the way. Priest Invoke is bad with Mass Res/Psychopomp, because Blizzard hates giving Priest a thing and then building on it in future expansions. OTKs potentially exist because of this, there’s one with Velen and Smites and Vivid Nightmares. And there is that new Armor Hate card. Not amazing, but not impossible.

Mindflayer Kaahrj: 3 mana 3/3 Battlecry: Choose an enemy minion, Deathrattle: Summon a new copy of it. Potentially really good, but likely to suffer the same problem and Madam Lazul last expansion. Will there be a deck that wants to run it? Once again, no real synergy with Psychopomp or Mass Res. And remember that Combo Priest also runs those. So it’s up to Galakrond.

Murozand the Infinite: 8 mana 8/8 Battlecry: Replay all the cards your opponent played last turn. Khaarj’s bigger, angrier brother, Murozand has similar problems of not having an existing archetype it belongs in. You’re spending 8 mana to do whatever your opponent did last turn, so if it’s great you’re probably already dead. Not like Murozand has taunt. You also don’t get Battlecries. Overall, he’s a bad Tess Greymane for a +2/+2 larger body.

Galakrond the Unspeakable: 7 mana Hero Card Battlecry destory 1/2/4 minions, 5/2 weapon on max upgrade Hero Power/Invoke: Add a random Priest minion to your hand. That’s a lot of text, and a lot of value. But it probably doesn’t compare to actual game winning effects, even if the pool of Priest minions were great (spoilers: it’s not). I don’t think Hearthstone games last long enough for unlimited Priest minions to be a viable win condition. Talanji’s problem was never that she lacked things to summon onto the board, but the massive depletion of resources after that board got inevitably wiped. Plus, Psychopomp/Mass Res complaints.

I think Galakrond Priest has some potential, but it’s post-rotation potential. A lot of bad minions are rotating, minions that depend on synergies you won’t have if you’re poofing these cards into existence. I’d love to be wrong, Galakrond Priest is the kind of random fun I’d love to play, but I do like to win at least roughly as much as I lose.

It all circles back around to the “design philosophy” of Priest from months ago. “Narrow but powerful” with a side of “weak card draw” to make it hard to put your narrow but powerful strategy together. But the real problem is that, in this context, “powerful” tends to equate to effects the same or weaker to what other classes can do in fewer cards and fewer sacrifices. The result is that most of the time, Priest cards don’t play well together.

I’m also disappointed by the lack of cool new dragon synergy among the class that has, up until now, been the one most predominantly aligned with dragons as it’s tribe.


Good analysis and I completely agree about lackeys.

Like you, I honestly hoped this expansion would have pushed more Dragon Exclusive cards for Priest much like how TGT, BrM, and MSoG did it. However, I’m also not surprised that they pushed cards with no synergy to Priest.

History of Standard Priest beyond combo and resurrect has just been pseudo control. Removal with Galakrond, some AoEs to keep them alive in float, and strong value minions to keep them ahead in the end. What I’m seeing here is resurrect synergy and value synergy yet again for Priest. Priest will always get a few wasted cards each expansion because developers have gone away from fatigue and thief synergy, and fixed archetypes rotate before they get enough support to fully take through (which is why Standard Resurrect Priest is garbage while Wild Resurrect Priest was T1-T2 for three years).

Now I don’t play standard anymore, but this trend was still around 2-3 years ago when Priest was the dumpster for the longest time till Mean Streets single handedly saved the class. You can’t rely on a class to stay alive if they rotate their remaining cards to work with (Divine Spirit and Mindblast) while giving them nothing else in return. If anything, Priest should have been the class to keep the thief identity even though rogue makes more sense simply cause that was the only thing that felt viable enough to not frustrate people into wanting it nerfed to death.

Yeah, I’m not sure what to make of the new Priest cards, or to be more exact, I’m not sure how they will fit into the meta.

You could build a straight up dragon deck, there are a lot of neutral dragon synergy cards now that make dragons a decent tribe but you really need to play Galakrond to use our “best” dragon, Fate Weaver. The AoE dragon seems powerful in a fairly tempo dragon deck , and the 3 mana one-sided AoE is potentially excellent, but I’m really not convinced this would work, possiblt get out-tempo’d by aggro and ou-valued by control.

Fate Weaver opens up some interesting possibilities in the OTK area, but Priest Galakrond has anti-synergy with combo decks, filling your hand with random Priest minions is awful for a combo deck that’s trying to assemble a bunch of cards to discount with FW.

Grave Rune could be nice with Rez Priest, but is it really helpful? It feels a bit win-more in that deck, if a minions survived a turn to allow you to Grave Rune it , then you’re already doing great, and if you can make it to T9or 10, where you’ve actually got enough mana to play a minion and then cast Grave Rune then you’re already past the worst, and want to cast Mass Rez anyway.

Princess Talanji could be nice with all the Invoked minions in your hand, maybe a dragon/Galakrond deck with Talanji and Seance, for multiple waves of board fill with you random minions from Galakrond, but that feels like a terrible wincon, you look at a deck like quest druid and you know it would absolutely destroy this sort of deck.

Having to Play Galakrond and a bunch of Invoke cards makes Fate Weaver tricky to build around, but it’s such a great effect I’m definitely going to try, feels like the key card this expansion.

Also want to try a Reckless Experimenter deck, with Chromatic eggs, Shadowy figure, Vivid Nightmare, Mech Welp, Voodoo doll the new AoE dragon, could be fun!