Demon Seed nerf please

Can you finally do something about Demon Seed or Darkglare? It’s been ruining wild experience for several years already and yet seems like you don’t even care.


I couldn’t agree more, now with warlock having a 0 mana card healing all the damage taken during the turn making the downside pointless, The Demon Seed is and has always been a frustrating card because it not only is broken in it’s concept, it also kills any possibilities of slow decks existing, the quest card destroys the entire meta by forcing only aggro/otk to exist to be able to deal with it, it is impossible to have fun or face different decks in the ladder.

no nerf fixes this problem because the quest’s reward is broken itself, it should never have been unbanned and that’s exactly what needs to happen, either ban this quest or make it’s reward different overall, because as I said before the entire concept is overpowered (Broken).


You can do something, which is run a better deck against it.

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Oh okay, please enlighten me with better decks? And don’t tell me aggro, cause I hate to play that. From your profile photo looks like you probably playing this degen deck yourself.

And btw, check hsreplay - all the top 9 decks are demon seed with around 80% winrate. Does that seem like a fun meta to you?


Bro really don’t want his brain dead deck to stop working, he prob onlys uses 1 hand to play because he is so confuses to even use the other hand


Good lucking convincing the Devs to balance Wild. I mean you can convince them but they can’t do it. A cardban for a few days is the best you’ll get and then a half-arsed solution that barely scratches the surface of the problems.

If they had any sense they’d hire people to build simulation and formulation tools for balancing, but they can’t even fix a basic UI bug that hangs the game for weeks.


Yeah, sadly I have to agree with that. Looks like Blizzard only cares about money and fixing things, which prevent people from spending money - anything else not important.

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We can’t all play XL shadow priest.

That said, have you even looked at any stats on demonseed in wild right now?

You’re acting like it’s not a big deal, but it’s widely played and very good. Three of the top six decks in the format at diamond 4-1 are seedlock variants.

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It’s a deck that appeals to a very low common denominator.
I’d suggest killing these type of undesirables on turn 3 or 4 with a Shadow Priest build.

Don’t even start on that damn thing, wow. Idk where it came from, but it was suddenly XL priest was the best deck in the format. Blows out pirate rogue/dk. It’s just silly how fast the priest deck can be.

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I think some of the newer cards gave it even more power. The one that does damage to both heroes (4 damage spell) and that 2/4 I drop is pretty nuts

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I agree Demon Seed is one of the dumbest cards in the game.

YoU cAn Do SoMeThInG, wHiCh Is RuN a BeTtEr DeCk AgAiNsT iT.


So one dimensional it hurts whenever I see you comment.

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