Deck selection bug in Dalaran Heist and Tombs of Terror

In Dalaran Heist and Tombs of Terror, no matter which deck I choose with a character, it always give me the first one (the one unlocked by default). I tried in heroic, regular and with different class, every time I choose a deck different than the first one, it still give me the first one.

video with what is happening on my client


Yes, experiencing the same thing.


Can confirm, this is happening to me as well, outside of the actual match it will show you the deck you picked but once you get in to the match the first 10 get replaced with the default deck.


Same here, can confirm


Iā€™ve tried all the charactersā€™ decks, and Iā€™ve cleared them all. And Iā€™ve reinstalled the game. Plus, Iā€™ve tried it on my mobile. It doesnā€™t all work.

Also having this bug. Iā€™ve just started trying to clear ToT with all decks, treasures and hero powers and keep getting swapped back to the first deckā€¦


There also appears to be a bug with the completion marks now?

I decided to just complete the runs with the first deck only (as thatā€™s all I can play). Completed Wing 3 with Brann and the egg using the first deck. Completion mark shows for the egg, but not for the dino deck.

I also have Brann showing no completion marks at all for Wing 3 with any treasures, despite having completed that wing. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s related (i.e. maybe somehow I removed the treasure from my deck or something? That one was a while ago)

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Same for me. Very frustrating on my hunt to clear every chapter with all heros on heroic. Please fix it :frowning:

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Extremely infuriating, I paid for multiple decks, please fix this asap.

They know the problem.
Wait a little :wink:

They knew it, but itā€™s already been two weeks. Now the patience is running out.

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2 weeks is almost nothing.

Itā€™s true that it seems like a long time when youā€™re waiting for something, but they have a lot of problems to resolve (there are also a lot of messages in the forum to read).

I think that a period of 1 month to wait is reasonableā€¦
Then it becomes very painful.

(I wait too for that but I do something else in game.)

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Jak tylko Bugzard skończy ujawniać wszystkie karty z drugiego dlc z roku pegaza udostępni drugą aktualizacje przed premierą być może naprawi ten glitch bo już mnie zaczyna działać na nerwy

Tak, może.
Mamy nadzieję

Yes maybe.
We hope.