I swear I only see mage players run that card, how insecure does mages have to be to run a tech card against a matchup where you have the advantage for.
“Oh, You got me!”
I always thought you were a khadger mage, turns out you’re just a medivh
I swear I only see mage players run that card, how insecure does mages have to be to run a tech card against a matchup where you have the advantage for.
“Oh, You got me!”
I always thought you were a khadger mage, turns out you’re just a medivh
It’s actually been pretty darn helpful against the uptick in Midrange Hunters I’ve been seeing lately.
I’d trade every alternate hero I have for Khadgar if I could, no joke.
Spiffy entrance.
Arcane Missile hero power.
Dad jokes.
What else is there to (Mage) life?
What Dwarven heroes have there been over Hearthstone’s ‘lifespan’?
Magni Bronzebeard for Warrior.
$10 in the shop, comes with a cardback.
Only ONE Dwarf?!
As far as hero portraits go, yeah.
I think Orcs hold the most next to Humans at the moment.
A Khadgar would be nice too. He’s pretty badass hahaha.
He exists, but was a limited offer from right before I started playing.
Oof man, sorry to hear.
Eh, such is life lol.
Khadgar’s cool because he’s rare, Medivh(the one I have) is better lore wise
Medivh doesn’t have dad jokes.
I’ll bet anything this was directed at someone else in this thread.
But who?
no, Khadger is literary more rare than Medivh because he was only limited time. But in the lore Medivh was this unstoppable all power mage with the combined power of all the mages in the word, and Khadger was just his student
Khadger is on the same level of Badassary as Jania, but Medivh is a legend
Just about to have the time to open the laptop an accept chief. I’m not certain we will meet up tonight, incase you’re already offline. However, I’m looking forward to hanging soon an dueling it up. Showing you cards you might be eyeing an such lol.
Bowser is a friend of mine. I honestly like his abrasive attitude at times. He’s an Aussie an it shows for sure lol. I wanted to add that, while he might see himself as just a memester player. Bowser atleast accomplishes having fun in HS. Unlike myself sometimes where I just can’t be happy unless im winning. (Which isn’t a good thing). So can’t go wrong being a friend of his.
I think the biggest thing about yourself Tomb, was how happy you we’re to engage in the commuinity an look like someone who wanted true help.
Anytime that happens, you see people always happy to help. Otherwise, we get bored an get stuck reading GostTemplar lastest complaint thread lol.
AKA the 9th circle of Hearthstone hell.
We don’t always agree on everything, but I think we both know when it gets boring around here it gets scary pretty quick lol
No worries at all! I’ll actually, unfortunately be without internet for the next 2 weeks - Letting you all know ahead of time, but, I can’t wait to immerse myself more!
Sounds good! I’m French actually, so, you’ll likely see some of those cultural traits arise in the future lol! And yes, fun is really what I’m after
Very much appreciated
And, as promised, my better 2 games:
^ GPW(arlock) vs. Murloc Shammy ^ and;
^ GPW(arlock) vs. C’thun Mage - this one felt sorta bad, but not really.
One other bit of advice for you to consider… You may be tempted at times to dust some of your cards in order to get a key card for a specific deck.
Resist this temptation.
The disenchant return in this game is spectacularly bad. Any time you disenchant a card you are only getting 25% of its value back. And when you craft any card you have to pay its full value. It’s a terrible exchange. Don’t do it - no matter how tempted you might be. You are always better off keeping cards in your collection rather then dusting them.
For example - let’s say you wanted to craft Dr. Boom. That’s a 1,600 dust card to craft. If you did nothing but disenchant cards to get the dust to craft Boom then it would require (on average) TWENTY packs worth of cards.
Now - imagine you just opened 20 packs. On average you would get 80 Commons, 20 Rares, 4 Epics, and 1 Legendary to potentially add to your collection … OR you could turn them all into dust and craft ONE Legendary card.
The only exception to this rule is if you aren’t interested in playing Wild. If you don’t care about Wild, then cards that move into Wild in the April rotation can be dusted.
Dust will slowly drip feed into your coffers as a natural result of opening packs and getting duplicates. That’s your ‘free’ dust for crafting. But dusting your collection to craft other cards should only be done with great caution and consideration.
Great advice! Noted!