Deck help/request

I dont have the dust to test this idea at all. Was hoping someone else could. What is the most tempo/aggro Mage deck that we can make? I was thinking Elemental Evocation, Mana Cyclone, Water Elemental, and Azerite Elemental core in the deck. Help please? :frowning: card dust prices.

Elementals don’t agro well, especially cyclone builds. You probably want to go for murlocs or go for a full on casino build.


Oh, is there a deck that can work those? I did Murloc Luna last expac, kinda murloc’d out lol. Thanks for response, I will try the Murlocs out again.

I’m not sure. Burn Mage isn’t’ really something that’s in. Tempo is really aggressive and Murloc Mage exists, I guess.

Buy then why aren’t you playing Shaman in that case? Mage does fine in Control right now, and mage’s quad -monthly ladder spot for Tempo Mage, as Tempo Mage is the tried and tested deck that’ll always exist.

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There is this deck… Pretty sure it’s considered the best deck in the game after the Rogue nerf. Close to your idea and it has been tested quite a bit, it is the deck most people are hitting rank 1 legend with.

Conj Mage
Class: Mage
Format: Standard
Year of the Dragon

2x (0) Elemental Evocation
2x (1) Magic Trick
2x (1) Mirror Image
2x (1) Ray of Frost
1x (2) Khadgar
2x (2) Mana Cyclone
2x (2) Sorcerer’s Apprentice
2x (3) Arcane Intellect
2x (3) Banana Buffoon
2x (3) Conjurer’s Calling
2x (3) Frost Nova
1x (3) Questing Adventurer
1x (3) Stargazer Luna
1x (4) Sandbinder
1x (5) Zilliax
1x (7) Archmage Antonidas
2x (10) Sea Giant
2x (12) Mountain Giant


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

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This is all the rage ranks 5-4. First time ever to reach Rank 3 all because most people at these Ranks don’t know how to play it.

It’s an amazing deck, Odd Paladin players need not apply.

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It is a great deck and a lot of fun to play, but it’s not particularly aggressive. Honestly, you often don’t even play anything until turn 4+. Some interesting picks in that particular build as well - it looks like they were teching heavy into a warrior match-up.

It is fairly hard to play, once anyone takes the time to learn the deck it is quite good and the ceiling is higher than any deck right now.

The biggest thing i’ve seen is knowing when to play Sorcerers on 2, some match ups you can curve out before turn 4. I wouldn’t say its an aggro deck but more of a combo deck that continues to layer threats until the opponent runs out of options. I know Questing Adventurer can be Rabble Bouncer.

I have currently played the deck as high as rank one and haven’t found a single match-up where I wanted to play a sorcerer on 2. I am not saying that these situations don’t exist, just that they are significantly rarer than you might think.

Yeah it depends on your hand and what the opponent is playing, i’ve seen it happen quite a bit in the Grandmasters league so far but that’s mostly v Warrior and mirror matches.