Death to endless combos

NERF SHUDDERWOCK, GRAND MAGIEST RAMMOTH, and TESS GREYMANE the same way TIME GATE was to ONCE PER GAME mechanic and yall need to check on the mechanics of spells like LIGHTSHOW cause how it’s supposed to work is all future times U CAST THE SPELL not minions other spells etc

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Thing is, before nerfing a card you have to think of all the consequences(and potential consequences) of said nerf. A nerf with no regard for the consequences will only make the game worse and cause players to quit.

A game is ment to be fun
MILL DECKS have been on the rise to counter OTK/ENDLESS and only gets worse on BOTH SIDES and the more toxic stuff is left unchecked
Most people play to have fun, duke it out and why modes like BATTLE GROUNDS and ARENA are big hits cause u can’t have ur U LOOSE BY TURN 3 EVERY GAME DECK. If ur playing to ALWAYS WIN then the nerfs to said play style to make people like that change or leave is a good thing

I m gonna tell you a secret.

Some ppl have fun with those cards


then why suggest nerfing tess and shudderwck you are literally suggesting to kill fun decks !

stop making anti fun suggestions !

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Why stop there make everything once per game. Hero power once per game. Only 1 minion allowed to be placed on board with only one attack allowed once per game. Spells to face only 1 spell allowed to be cast per game. Draw only 1 card once per game. End turn button only allowed to be press once per game. Fatigue damage once per game. Then we will have the game everyone seems to want the never ending, always roping, do nothing game.

Wisp, but it can only attack once per game.

Speaking of anti fun suggestions, twas I who asked them to make Zephyrus acknowledge locations. I realize now that was not a good idea, hell it may have been one of my worst! As now zephryus offers wild growth less often if he thinks a demolition renovator is more important. But the devs thought it was a good idea, and that’s what scares me.

didnt know janitor was added to classic cards