Death Knight will suck

IMO death knight will suck

After seeing all the cards and sitting with these things for a bit, i doubt it will be good enough to be above tier 2. No deck ive tried to build seems to come together except for Blood, which easily loses to combo decks. Unholy doesnt quite fit together well enough compared to other aggro strategies in the meta. Frost has pretty good burn, but not enough to OTK you and not enough to compete with mage.

So yeah. this is my prediction. I’m sure people will disagree and point to individually powerful cards, but I think overall these decks don’t seem to come together in a way that really works and has a place in the meta.


You’re not going to know what comes together until a) all the neutral cards are shown and b) you try them out in game. Theorycrafting on deck builder sites is good for fun, but historically, people are really bad at judging cards before release.


And also, HailFall is far from being an expert.

So you should take this prediction with a grain of salt, I’ve seen many professional players who think it’ll be broken.

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the same experts who thought corridor creeper was too weak to ever see play?

That’s a very poor comparison. Did you predict corridor creeper would be breaking the game ?

People are right and wrong all the time about cards, DK is an entirely new class, it’s impossible to predict how strong it will be before we get to see the entire set and before we see it in action.

You’re asking for non-problematic cards to be nerfed all the time, I’m not sure why you expect people to take your predictions seriously.


This goes for the live game as well, not just your theorycrafting decks.

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Blood has the best anti combo cards: better mutanus and increased health cap

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I like to wait and see.
Streamers love to have these pre release videos where they say cards are whatever star power. They are wrong so often and until we can see things in real time, why not just wait?

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here from the future, you were right lmao


I give Hail a lot of crap for being a nerfmonger, but fair is fair. Well played on this one.

He hit this on the head. Not even the generalization, he explained very well why they would be bad and nailed it.


Never doubt me again :sunglasses:

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