Death Knight Leveling different?

I’m trying to level up all my classes to 60 and the only one I don’t have done is DK.

I’ve been spamming it in free time to try to get it leveled, but it seems like it moves ridiculously slower than other classes.

I only have 197 ranked wins on Demon Hunter, but it’s been 60 for a long time. Now I have more than 300 ranked wins with DK and it’s only level 53.

Anyone else notice this issue? Is it a bug or is it really longer to level dk?

@ Schyla - I’m up to 427 priest wins now just spamming dr priest in wild when I’m bored, lol.


no idea when i got it to lv 60 but its at 320 wins
(off topic just in case i wasnt running mill druid it was a jungle giant deck)

doesnt playing cards increase exp at least thats what i was told
if you played DH with a deck with low mana curve and card draw maybe thats the reason you got to 60 with less wins

Selwynn, look at this reddit post. It’s a solid breakdown of how the leveling goes and best strategy for maximizing leveling.


Thanks for this.

Two things stand out about that.


  • Demon Hunter starts at Level 20

That may be part of it, but second

  • Kill your opponent (30 xp)

This is likely the culprit right here. I have a tendency to play with my opponents and let the plagues do the killing. I am guessing I’m not getting credit for killing the opponent if I’m not directly causing the kill?

Is this a bug or is it intended behavior?

I may throw this out to reddit to see if Hat has insight.

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I feel like you’re meaning to say DH and not DK? DH is only 197 ranked wins but you’re at 60 for a long time and DK is at 53 and has much more wins than DH. Right? That means DH is harder and DK is easier and faster.

It is extremely boring. I played that deck for about a week and couldn’t play it anymore. It’s excruciatingly and mind numbingly boring to play.

Demon hunter: lvl 60, 197 wins. It’s been there for months. I started leveling it first and it took very little time to get up levels.

Death Knight: lvl 54, 307 wins… but I’ve played over 400 games just with this plague deck I’m using, not counting any of the DK play with other decks in the past.

It seems like DK is really, really slow to level. Maybe it’s just me, I don’t know.

Schyla, what has this place done to you? You sound so jaded now.


So today when I played games I made sure to get a killing blow on my turn and it seems like the bar moves farther on those games, meaning I think me toying with my prey was slowing down the leveling process like I suspected.

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my dk is 60 but my dh is only 47, but dh has been around longer

leveling is fine

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Got it, I think I was just reading and interpreting different.

Not different. I just carefully choose who I engage with now. Our old fun of us going back and forth is long gone. You can’t do that now. You’ll get reported and banned. I’ve had several trolls get on alt accounts and mass report me. Ended up getting a ban for virtually nothing and lost all image posting privileges etc. Really sucks because most of my time posting images were expansion reveals for people here.

There are a record number of trolls on here now. It’s pretty sad what these forums have become. Your high post count could make you a target as well.


I flew to 60 on DH but i also played pretty much nothing but Ilgynoth OTK for months and was very competitive at the time. Dk took a little longer but i am getting close to my 1k wins portrait.

Once you get comfortable with a deck the levels will fly by because you just like playing it and forget about maximizing the points.

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The last time I came back, I made a snarky post that wasn’t even directed to a specific poster and it was removed and I was sanctioned. It’s why I don’t come here much anymore.

I’m comfortable with the deck, it’s just taking too long to get levels.

And I can confirm my waiting for the plagues to work was the issue. I will land killing blows now whenever possible.


Yup. it doesn’t even have to be a post directed at anyone at all.

I made a comment that said something like “rig claimers never present video evidence. And if you ask them for it, they don’t respond” almost word for word that. it got reported by several alts and the post was removed because it was “inappropriate”.

And earlier yesterday I got a reply back from a “snarky” poster and I could tell they were likely the culprit. So I reported them because what they said to me directly WAS inappropriate and now their post is removed and hopefully they got a ban.

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